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Comparison of the Impact of Two Post-remission Therapy Regimens on Cardiac Events in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

[International Journal of Hematology] Scientists compared the incidence of cardiac events and event-free survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation at two Japanese hospitals between High-dose cytarabine and anthracycline-containing post-remission therapy to clarify the safety of post-remission therapy.


CDCA7 Enhances STAT3 Transcriptional Activity to Regulate Aerobic Glycolysis and Promote Pancreatic Cancer Progression and Gemcitabine Resistance

[Cell Death & Disease] The authors investigated cell division cycle associated 7 (CDCA7) expression levels and biological functions in pancreatic cancer using in vitro and in vivo experiments.

Disrupting AGR2/IGF1 Paracrine and Reciprocal Signaling for Pancreatic Cancer Therapy

[Cell Reports Medicine] Scientists highlighted the critical role of anterior gradient 2 (AGR2), an endoplasmic reticulum protein disulfide isomerase, secreted by PDAC cells to activate cancer-associated fibroblasts via the Wnt signaling pathway.

FLASH Radiation Reprograms Lipid Metabolism and Macrophage Immunity and Sensitizes Medulloblastoma to CAR T Cell Therapy

[Nature Cancer] Using a genetically engineered mouse model of medulloblastoma, researchers showed that FLASH radiation stimulated proinflammatory polarization in tumor macrophages.