Tag results:

intestinal stem cells

Non-Muscle Myosin Heavy Chain 9 Maintains Intestinal Homeostasis by Preventing Epithelium Necroptosis and Colitis Adenoma Formation

[Stem Cell Reports] Myh9 deletion disturbs cell junctions and impairs intestinal lumen barrier integrity, promoting the necroptosis of epithelial cells.

How Autophagy Controls the Intestinal Epithelial Barrier

[Autophagy] Investigators review the physiological role of autophagy in the context of intestinal epithelial maintenance and how genetic mutations affecting autophagy contribute to the development of intestinal disease.

HER2 and APC Mutations Promote Altered Crypt-Villus Morphology and Marked Hyperplasia in the Intestinal Epithelium

[Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology] Investigators analyzed Lgr5-Cre; APCmin; HER2V777LTg mice by morphologic and gene expression assays on intestinal sections and organoids derived from the epithelium.

white Regulates Proliferative Homeostasis of Intestinal Stem Cells during Aging in Drosophila

[Nature Metabolism] Intestinal stem cell (ISC)-specific inhibition of white suppressed aging-induced ISC dysregulation and prolonged lifespan.

Suppression of Elevated Cdc42 Activity Promotes the Regenerative Potential of Aged Intestinal Stem Cells

[iScience] Elevation of Cdc42 activity in young animals by genetic means causes premature ISC aging, whereas pharmacological suppression of elevated Cdc42 activity restores organoid formation potential in vitro.

The Murine Intestinal Stem Cells Are Highly Sensitive to the Modulation of the T3/TRα1-Dependent Pathway

[Development] By using ex vivo 3D organoid cultures and molecular approaches scientists observed early responses to T3 involving the T3-metabolizing enzyme Dio1 and the transporter Mct10, accompanied by a complex response of stem cell- and progenitor-enriched genes.
