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CCR5 Antagonist Reduces HIV-Induced Amyloidogenesis, Tau Pathology, Neurodegeneration, and Blood-Brain Barrier Alterations in HIV-Infected Hu-PBL-NSG Mice

[Molecular Neurodegeneration] Investigators determined whether HIV-1 infection caused Alzheimer’s Disease-like pathologies in an HIV/AIDS humanized mouse model, and whether the CCR5 antagonist maraviroc altered HIV-induced pathologies.

Investigators Modified the Classical Antigen-Induced Arthritis Model by Using Citrullinated Human Plasma Fibrinogen as an Immunogen to Investigate the Mechanism of Inflammation-Driven Joint Damage...

[International Immunopharmacology] Scientists modified the classical antigen-induced arthritis model by using citrullinated human plasma fibrinogen as an immunogen to investigate the mechanism of inflammation-driven joint damage by citrullinated human plasma fibrinogen (hFIB) in C57BL/6 mice.

Development of Allogeneic HSC-Engineered iNKT Cells for Off-the-Shelf Cancer Immunotherapy

[Cell Reports Medicine] By combining hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gene engineering and in vitro differentiation, scientists generated human allogeneic HSC-engineered invariant natural killer T cells at high yield and purity.

Proteasome Inhibitors Restore the STAT1 Pathway and Enhance the Expression of MHC Class I on Human Colon Cancer Cells

[Journal of Biomedical Science] Scientists applied three colon cancer cell lines, including microsatellite stable cell lines, which are SW480 and SW620, and microsatellite instability-high cell line, which is DLD-1.

Macrophage-Mediated RON Signaling Supports Breast Cancer Growth and Progression through Modulation of IL-35

[Oncogene] Researchers showed that the activation of the RON receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathway specifically in macrophages supports breast cancer growth and metastasis.

Dynamic Variability in SHP-1 Abundance Determines Natural Killer Cell Responsiveness

[Science Signaling] Human and mouse NK cell populations with high responsiveness had low Src homology 2 domain–containing phosphatase-1 (SHP-1) abundance, and a reduction in SHP-1 abundance in NK cells enhanced their responsiveness.
