Tag results:

mesenchymal cells

IL-1R1–Dependent Signaling Coordinates Epithelial Regeneration in Response to Intestinal Damage

[Science Immunology] The authors reported that after distinct types of intestinal epithelial damage, IL-1R1 signaling in GREM1+ mesenchymal cells increased production of R-spondin 3, a Wnt agonist required for intestinal stem cell self-renewal.

Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase Usp53 Regulates Osteoblast versus Adipocyte Lineage Commitment

[Scientific Reports] Using ChIP-Seq against NACA in parallel with RNA-sequencing, investigators report the identification of Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 53 (Usp53) as a target gene of parathyroid hormone-activated nascent polypeptide associated complex and coregulator alpha in osteoblasts.

Progressive and Coordinated Mobilization of the Skeletal Muscle Niche throughout Tissue Repair Revealed by Single-Cell Proteomic Analysis

[Cells] Scientists developed a mass cytometry panel to investigate the dynamic nature of muscle regeneration at a single-cell level. Using the panel, they identified early changes in the proteome of stressed satellite and niche cells.

Photobiomodulation Therapy Increases Collagen II after Tendon Experimental Injury

[Histology and Histopathology] Photobiomodulation effectively interfered in tendon tissue repair after injury by stimulating mesenchymal cell proliferation and the synthesis of collagen type II, which was suggested to provide structural support to the interstitial tissues during the healing process of the Achilles tendon.

Isolating and Targeting the Real-Time Plasticity and Malignant Properties of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Cancer

[Oncogene] 3D high-content screening of ~23,000 compounds using dual-reporter mesenchymal SW620 tumor organoids identified small molecule probes that modulate EMT, and a subset of probes that effectively induced MET.

Human Pluripotent Stem-Cell-Derived Alveolar Organoids for Modeling Pulmonary Fibrosis and Drug Testing

[Cell Death Discovery] Scientists generated alveolar organoids derived from human pluripotent stem cells for use as an pulmonary fibrosis model and for drug efficacy evaluation.
