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Targeting the Complex I and III of Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain as a Potentially Viable Option in Liver Cancer Management

[Cell Death Discovery] The authors reported that depletion of mitochondrial DNA, pharmacologic inhibition of mitochondrial electron transport chain (mETC) complex I/complex III, or genetic of mETC complex I restricted cancer cell growth and clonogenicity in various preclinical models of liver cancer.

Human Kidney Organoids Reveal the Role of Glutathione in Fabry Disease

[Experimental & Molecular Medicine] Researchers modeled Fabry disease using human iPSC-derived kidney organoids and the CRISPR–Cas9 genome-editing system.

3D Tumor Angiogenesis Models: Recent Advances and Challenges

[Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology] Scientists summarize recent advancements of 3D tumor vascular model systems which include tissue engineering-based tumor models; vascular organoid models, and organ-on-chips and their importance in replicating the tumor angiogenesis along with the associated challenges to design improved models.

Current Status of Organoid Culture in Urological Malignancy

[International Journal of Urology] The authors summarize the development and applications of three-dimensional organoid cultures in urological cancers, mainly focusing on prostate, urinary bladder and kidney cancers, and assess the future prospects of this model.

A Cis-Acting Structural Variation at the ZNF558 Locus Controls a Gene Regulatory Network in Human Brain Development

[Cell Stem Cell] Scientists identified a KRAB-ZFP transcription factor, ZNF558, that was expressed in human but not chimpanzee forebrain neural progenitor cells.

Opportunities and Challenges of Glioma Organoids

[Cell Communication and Signaling] Researchers review the three methods currently used to establish glioma organoids, and introduced how they play a role in the diagnosis and treatment of glioma.
