Tag results:

regulatory T cells

Antibody Secreting Cells Are Critically Dependent on Integrin α4β7/MAdCAM-1 for Intestinal Recruitment and Control of the Microbiota during Chronic Colitis

[Mucosal Immunology] β7 deficiency and MAdCAM-1 blockade specifically depleted antibody secreting cells from the colonic LP, leading to a fecal pan-immunoglobulin deficit, severe colitis, and alterations of microbiota composition.

Low-Dose Decitabine Modulates T-Cell Homeostasis and Restores Immune Tolerance in Immune Thrombocytopenia

[Blood] Scientists analyzed the effect of decitabine on T-cell subpopulations in immune thrombocytopenia in vitro and in vivo. They found that low-dose decitabine promoted the generation and differentiation of regulatory T cells and augmented their immunosuppressive function.

Insulin Signaling Establishes a Developmental Trajectory of Adipose Regulatory T Cells

[Nature Immunology] Using single-cell ATAC-sequencing and paired single-cell RNA and T cell receptor sequencing to map mouse adipose Treg cells, scientists identified CD73hiST2lo and CD73loST2hi subsets with distinct clonal expansion patterns.

Secretome Screening Reveals Immunomodulating Functions of IFNα-7, PAP and GDF-7 on Regulatory T-cells

[Scientific Reports] The authors reported a phenotypic screening of a human secretome library in human Treg cells utilising a high throughput flow cytometry technology.

Anti-PD-1/L1 Lead-In before MAPK Inhibitor Combination Maximizes Antitumor Immunity and Efficacy

[Cancer Cell] Researchers compared the efficacies of sequential and/or combinatorial regimens in subcutaneous murine models of melanoma driven by BrafV600, Nras, or Nf1 mutations as well as colorectal and pancreatic carcinoma driven by KrasG12C.

Regulatory T Cells Function in Established Systemic Inflammation and Reverse Fatal Autoimmunity

[Nature Immunology] By reinstating Foxp3 protein expression and suppressor function in cells expressing a reversible Foxp3 null allele in severely diseased mice, researchers found that the resulting single pool of rescued Treg cells normalized immune activation, quelled severe tissue inflammation, reversed fatal autoimmune disease and provided long-term protection against them.
