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Organoid Culture Development for Skeletal Systems

[Tissue Engineering Part B-Reviews] Scientists examine current progress in the development of skeletal system organoid culture systems and provide cues for future research trajectory in the field by analyzing the current research status of skeletal stem cells, their microenvironmental factors and various potential organoid culture matrix candidates.

The Promises and Pitfalls of CRISPR-Mediated Base Editing in Stem Cells

[CRISPR Journal] Investigators discuss the strategies for achieving exact base edits in the creation of various stem cell-based models for use in elucidating disease mechanisms and assessing drug efficacy.

Harnessing Cancer Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes to Improve Cancer Therapy

[Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research] To provide an overview of the possible role of CSC‐derived exosomes and targeting strategies, the authors summarize relevant research progress and highlight the potential impact of detecting or targeting CSC‐derived exosomes on cancer treatment.

Common Signaling Pathways Involved in Alzheimer’s Disease and Stroke: Two Faces of the Same Coin

[Journal Of Alzheimers Disease] The authors summarized the most common signaling cascades including autotoxicity, ApoE4, insulin signaling, inflammation, mTOR-autophagy, notch signaling, and microbiota-gut-brain axis, present in both Alzheimer's disease and ischemic stroke.

Genetically Engineered Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) Therapy for Neurological Diseases; State-of-the-Art

[Biotechnology Progress] Investigators review the therapeutic capability of genetically modified neural stem cells (NSCs) rather than naïve NSCs in neurological disease beyond brain tumors and shed light on the recent progress and prospect in this context.

Regulatory T Cells in Parasite Infections: Susceptibility, Specificity and Specialisation

[Trends in Parasitology] Scientists discuss how the susceptibility to many parasite infections is controlled by regulatory T cells, and the role they play in moderating the immunopathological consequences of parasitism, and dampening bystander reactions in an antigen-nonspecific manner.
