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Alterations in Exocrine Pancreatic Function after Acute Pancreatitis

[Pancreatology] Investigators discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and clinical management of exocrine pancreatic dysfunction after acute pancreatitis while highlighting key knowledge gaps.

Revolutionizing Pancreatic Islet Organoid Transplants: Improving Engraftment and Exploring Future Frontiers

[Life Sciences] Hypoxia-induced necrosis and delayed revascularization attenuate organoid viability and functional capacity, alleviated by the integration of diverse cell types e.g., human amniotic epithelial cells and human umbilical vein endothelial cells to boost vascularization.

An Overview of Nasal Cartilage Bioprinting: From Bench to Bedside

[Journal Of Biomaterials Science-Polymer Edition] Although numerous studies have demonstrated the potential of 3D bioprinting in the rebuilding of such soft tissues, this paper covers various aspects of the bioprinted tissues to provide insights for the future development of repair techniques appropriate for clinical use.

Construction of In Vitro Liver-on-a-Chip Models and Application Progress

[Biomedical Engineering OnLine] Invesigators discuss the development of liver-on-a-chip and its research progress in liver diseases, hepatotoxicity tests, and drug screening, as well as chip combinations.

Blood-Based Biomarkers in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Immune Checkpoint Blockade

[Journal Of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research] The authors review studies in which multiple blood-based biomarkers encompassing circulating soluble analytes, immune cell subsets, circulating tumor DNA, blood-based tumor mutational burden, and circulating tumor cells have shown promising associations with the clinical response of non-small cell lung cancer patients to immune checkpoint inhibitors therapy.

Circadian Effects on Vascular Immunopathologies

[Circulation Research] Investigators provide an overview of circadian control of immune-vascular interactions in both the steady state and cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and infarction.
