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Resveratrol and p53: How Are They Involved in CRC Plasticity and Apoptosis?

[Journal Of Advanced Research] Investigators summarize the latest published research on resveratrol’s effect in the prevention of colorectal cancer, its regulatory actions, specifically on the p53 pathway, and its treatment options.

Unleashing the Power of Undifferentiated Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Bioprinting: Current Progress and Future Prospects

[International Journal Of Stem Cells] The authors cover the fundamental concepts and techniques of bioprinting and bioink design, reviewing recent progress in iPSC bioprinting research with a specific focus on bioprinting undifferentiated iPSCs, and conclude by discussing existing limitations and future prospects.

Effects of Fine Particulate Matter on Bone Marrow-Conserved Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Stem Cells: A Systematic Review

[Experimental & Molecular Medicine] With an emphasis on the invasive characteristics of PM2.5, the authors examine the current knowledge of the health effects of PM2.5 exposure on bone marrowresiding stem cells.

Lung Cancer Oncogene-Directed Therapy, Fertility and Pregnancy

[Journal Of Thoracic Oncology] The authors performed a narrative review of ex-vivo placenta perfusion studies, pharmacologic characteristics, mutagenicity, animal embryo-fetal development studies, and case reports of pathways to motherhood, pregnancies and egg retrieval while on EGFR, ALK or ROS1-targeted therapy.

Clinical Applications of Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes

[Signal Transduction And Targeted Therapy] Compared to stem cells, stem cell-derived exosomes possess numerous advantages, such as non-immunogenicity, non-infusion toxicity, easy access, effortless preservation, and freedom from tumorigenic potential and ethical issues.

Effect of GVHD on the Gut and Intestinal Microflora

[Transplant Immunology] Gastrointestinal-Graft-versus-host disease causes intestinal immune system disorders, damages intestinal epithelial tissue such as intestinal epithelial cells, goblet, Paneth, and intestinal stem cells, and disrupts the intestinal epithelium's physical and chemical mucosal barriers.
