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Sox9 and Rbpj Differentially Regulate Endothelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Wound Scarring in Murine Endovascular Progenitors

Skin wound analysis from Sox9 conditional knock-out mice demonstrates a significant reduction in pathological EndMT resulting in reduced scar area. The converse was observed with Rbpj conditionally knocked-out from the murine vasculature or inhibition of Notch signaling in human endothelial colony forming cells, resulting in enhanced Sox9 and EndMT related gene
[Nature Communications]
6445218 {6445218:ZEFT6DBL} apa 50 1 162025 https://www.stemcellsciencenews.com/wp-content/plugins/zotpress/
Zhao, J., Patel, J., Kaur, S., Sim, S.-L., Wong, H. Y., Styke, C., Hogan, I., Kahler, S., Hamilton, H., Wadlow, R., Dight, J., Hashemi, G., Sormani, L., Roy, E., Yoder, M. C., Francois, M., & Khosrotehrani, K. (2021). Sox9 and Rbpj differentially regulate endothelial to mesenchymal transition and wound scarring in murine endovascular progenitors. Nature Communications, 12(1), 2564. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22717-9 Cite
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