Neural Cell News

Neural Cell News is an online resource covering the latest research in neuroscience, neural stem cells, and neurological conditions.

Significance of Birth in the Maintenance of Quiescent Neural Stem Cells

[Science Advances] Investigators found that birth-induced alteration of glutamine metabolism in radial glia, the embryonic neural stem cells (NSCs), was required for the acquisition of quiescence and long-term maintenance of postnatal NSCs.

Amyloid-Associated Hyperconnectivity Drives Tau Spread across Connected Brain Regions in Alzheimer’s Disease

[Science Translational Medicine] Scientists confirmed that amyloid-β induced hyperconnectivity of temporal lobe tau epicenters to posterior brain regions that were vulnerable to tau accumulation in Alzheimer's disease.

Regulatory Non-Coding Somatic Mutations as Drivers of Neuroblastoma

[British Journal of Cancer] Single nucleotide variants (SNVs) effect on cis-regulatory elements (CREs) activity was evaluated by luciferase assays. Motif analysis and ChIP-qPCR experiments were employed to reveal the transcription factors involved in these processes.

Biotin Mitigates the Development of Manganese-Induced, Parkinson’s Disease–Related Neurotoxicity in Drosophila and Human Neurons

[Science Signaling] Researchers developed an adult Drosophila model of manganese toxicity that recapitulated key parkinsonian features, spanning behavioral deficits, neuronal loss, and dysfunctions in lysosomes and mitochondria.

Parental Origin of Transgene Modulates Amyloid-β Plaque Burden in the 5xFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

[Neuron] Using quantitative light-sheet microscopy, researchers found that paternal inheritance of the transgene led to a two-fold higher plaque burden compared with maternal inheritance, a finding consistent across multiple 5xFAD colonies.

Layer-Specific Control of Inhibition by NDNF Interneurons

[Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America] Using a combination of experiments and theoretical modeling, researchers showed that neuron-derived neurotrophic factor (NDNF) interneurons controlled cortical circuits in an unconventional way.

Identification of ARHGEF11 (PDZ-RhoGEF) as an In Vivo Regulator of Synapses and Cognition

[Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America] The authors developed an in silico approach to identify genes of potentially great importance for human cognitive aptitude.

Glioma-Induced Alterations in Excitatory Neurons Are Reversed by mTOR Inhibition

[Neuron] Scientists revealed mTOR-driven pathological plasticity in neurons at the infiltrative margin of glioma and suggested new strategies for treating glioma-associated neurological symptoms.

Syngap1 Promotes Cognitive Function through Regulation of Cortical Sensorimotor Dynamics

[Nature Communications] Researchers demonstrated in mice that expression of the autism/intellectual disability gene, Syngap1, in cortical excitatory neurons was required for the formation of somatomotor networks that promoted sensorimotor integration-mediated perception.

Propagation of Neuronal Micronuclei Regulates Microglial Characteristics

[Nature Neuroscience] Scientists showed that neuronal micronuclei transferred to microglia, which was followed by changing microglial characteristics during the postnatal period.

Neocortical Somatostatin Neuron Diversity in Cognition and Learning

[Trends In Neurosciences] Scientists discuss and synthesize recent advances in understanding the diversity, circuit integration, and functional properties of somatostatin-expressing group of GABAergic neurons.

Neuronal Segmentation in Cephalopod Arms

[Nature Communications] Investigators reported on the cellular and molecular organization of the arm nervous system, focusing on its massive axial nerve cords.

Neural Cell News helps scientists keep pace with the latest research, reviews, and industry developments in neuroscience. Specific research topics include neural development and neuroregeneration, neural signaling related to cellular responses and behavior, and synaptic plasticity. Research into the diagnosis, progression, cellular characteristics, and treatment of brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and various brain cancers, as well as brain damage resulting from infection, trauma, stroke, seizures, and tumors, is also covered.
