Mesenchymal Cell News
Mesenchymal Cell News is an online resource that delivers updates on the latest research in the mesenchymal stem cell field.
Stromal KITL/SCF Maintains Pancreas Tissue Homeostasis and Restrains Tumor Progression
[Cancer Discovery] Researchers showed that healthy pancreatic mesenchyme expressed the paracrine signaling molecule KITL, also known as stem cell factor, and identified loss of stromal KITL during tumorigenesis as tumor-promoting.
FBN2 Promotes the Proliferation, Mineralization, and Differentiation of Osteoblasts to Accelerate Fracture Healing
[Scientific Reports] Through bioinformatics analysis, FBN2 was identified as the hub gene in fracture, and FBN2 promoted the proliferation, mineralization, and differentiation of osteoblasts, thereby accelerating fracture healing.
Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Perinatal Tissues Promote Diabetic Wound Healing via PI3K/AKT Activation
[Stem Cell Research & Therapy] Investigators evaluated and compared the therapeutic potential of MSCs derived from perinatal tissues—human umbilical cord MSCs, human chorionic villi MSCs, and human decidua basalis MSCs—in a diabetic wound healing model.
Improving the Wound Healing Process: Pivotal role of Mesenchymal stromal/stem Cells and Immune Cells
[Stem Cell Reviews and Reports] The authors describe the four main phases of wound healing, second, they reviewed the function of MSCs, MSC secretome, and immune cells in improving the progress of wound repair, third, they explaine the immune cells/MSCs interactions in the process of wound healing and regeneration, and finally, we introduce clinical applications of MSCs to improve the process of wound healing.
Steps Toward the Clinical Application of Endometrial and Menstrual Fluid Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Gynecological Disorders
[Expert Opinion On Biological Therapy] Investigators provide an update on endometrial-derived MSCs as a treatment option for gynecological diseases.
FoxA1 Knockdown Promotes BMSC Osteogenesis in Part by Activating the ERK1/2 Signaling Pathway and Preventing Ovariectomy-Induced Bone Loss
[Scientific Reports] Researchers utilized a random walk-based method to evaluate genes associated with the process of osteogenic differentiation in human bone marrow-derived MSCs (hBMSCs). Lentiviral transfection was utilized to suppress the expression of the FOXA1 gene in hBMSCs.
Identification of Increased Dedifferentiation Along the Prom1+ Cancer Cells in Müllerian Adenosarcoma with Sarcomatous Overgrowth
[British Journal of Cancer] Scientists demonstrated that malignant stromal cells originated from fibrous tissue, Prom1-derived with complex intra-tumoral heterogeneity.
A Functionalized 3D-Printed Ti6Al4V “Cell Climbing Frame” Inspired by Marine Sponges to Recruit and Rejuvenate Autologous BMSCs in Osteoporotic Bone Repair
[Advanced Materials] Scientists developed a functionalized 3D-printed Ti6Al4V “Cell Climbing Frame”, aiming to adapt to the mechanical microenvironment of osteoporosis, recruit and support the adhesion and growth of autologous bone marrow MSCs, while rejuvenating senescent cells.
Deng Receives National Science Foundation Award to Research Bone Tissue Engineering
[Boise State News] Dr. Zhangxian Deng is a recipient of the National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Award. Dr. Deng is spearheading efforts to engineer magnetically responsive biomaterials, enabling patient-specific bone tissue growth using MSCs harvested from patients.
Proteomic Profiling of iPSC and Tissue-Derived MSC Secretomes Reveal a Global Signature of Inflammatory Licensing
[NPJ Regenerative Medicine] The authors analyzed the secretomes of bone-marrow, umbilical-cord, adipose-tissue, and clinical/commercial-grade induced pluripotent stem cell-derived MSCs under resting and inflammatory licenced conditions.
3D Mechanical Response Stem Cell Complex Repairs Spinal Cord Injury by Promoting Neurogenesis and Regulating Tissue Homeostasis
[Advanced Healthcare Materials] Scientists created mechanical response stem cell complex as an innovative therapeutic strategy for spinal cord injury, utilizing 3D bioprinting technology and gelatin microcarriers loaded with MSCs.
Signaling Pathway Mechanisms of Circadian Clock Gene Bmal1 Regulating Bone and Cartilage Metabolism: A Review
[Bone Research] The authors review the signaling pathways by which brain and muscle arnt-like 1 (Bmal1) regulate bone/cartilage metabolism, the upstream regulatory factors that control Bmal1, and the current Bmal1 knockout mouse models for research.
Mesenchymal Cell News covers topics such as the isolation, identification, and culturing conditions of mesenchymal stem cells, as well as their cellular characterization, behavior and differentiation capacities. We also include research that focuses on identifying tissue sources of mesenchymal stem cells and their potential therapeutic applications in regenerative medicine and cellular therapies.