Pulmonary Cell News
Pulmonary Cell News is an online resource dedicated to the topics of respiratory disease, lung cancer, and pulmonary cells.
GUK1 Activation Is a Metabolic Liability in Lung Cancer
[Cell] Researchers performed a phosphoproteomic screen in anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK)-rearranged patient-derived cell lines and identify guanylate kinase 1 (GUK1) as a target of ALK signaling in lung cancer.
Epsin3 Promotes Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Progression via Modulating EGFR Stability
[Cell and Bioscience] Scientists investigated the role of epsin3 (EPN3) in modulating epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) function, its effects on NSCLC progression, and its potential involvement in tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance.
Advancements in Lung Regeneration: From Bench to Bedside
[Journal of Translational Medicine] Investigators explore recent breakthroughs in lung regenerative medicine, highlighting innovative approaches aimed at tackling lung and tracheal diseases.
Pfizer Canada and Partners Announce Quality Improvement Grant Recipients for Canada’s Most Prevalent Cancers
[Pfizer (Canada Newswire)] Pfizer Canada, together with Rethink Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer Canada, Lung Health Foundation, Lung Cancer Canada, and the Quebec Lung Association, announced the 2024 recipients of a series of grants to help advance oncology care and innovation in Canada.
Spatial Transcriptomics Identifies Molecular Niche Dysregulation Associated with Distal Lung Remodeling in Pulmonary Fibrosis
[Nature Genetics] Using image-based spatial transcriptomics, the authors analyzed the gene expression of 1.6 million cells from 35 unique lungs.
Targeted DNase Treatment of Obstructive Lung Disease: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
[ERJ Open Research] Adults with asthma or COPD were screened for the presence of high sputum eDNA and those eligible were randomized to a two-period crossover controlled trial consisting of daily nebulised rhDNase or placebo for 10 days, with a two-week washout period.
O-GlcNAcylation Attenuates Ischemia-Reperfusion-Induced Pulmonary Epithelial Cell Ferroptosis via the Nrf2/G6PDH Pathway
[BMC Biology] Researchers identified O-GlcNAc transferase 1 as a differentially expressed gene in lung epithelial cells of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome patients, using single-cell sequencing.
Cloned Airway Basal Progenitor Cells to Repair Fibrotic Lung through Re-Epithelialization
[Nature Communications] Researchers showed that in murine and monkey models, the KRT5+ P63+ progenitor cells in airway basal layer can enter the alveolar area post fibrotic injury.
FAM210B Activates STAT1/IRF9/IFIT3 Axis by Upregulating IFN-α/β Expression to Impede the Progression of Lung Adenocarcinoma
[Cell Death & Disease] Family with sequence similarity 210 member B (FAM210B) was observed to be down-regulated in LUAD cells. Analyses of public datasets revealed that decreased expression of FAM210B predicts poor survival.
Arginine Methyltransferase PRMT1 Promotes Ferroptosis through EGR1/GLS2 Axis in Sepsis-Related Acute Lung Injury
[Communications Biology] Scientists showed, there were elevated ferroptosis and increased expression levels of protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1), early growth response 1 (EGR1), and glutaminase 2 (GLS2) in both in vitro and in vivo acute lung injury models.
Targeting Ferroptosis: A Promising Approach for Treating Lung Carcinoma
[Cell Death Discovery] Scientists comprehensively analyze the mechanisms underlying the preconditions of ferroptosis, the defense system, and the associated molecular networks. The potential strategies of ferroptosis in the treatment of lung carcinoma are also highlighted.
Histone Methyltransferase KMT2A Promotes Pulmonary Fibrogenesis via Targeting Pro-Fibrotic Factor PU.1 in Fibroblasts
[Clinical and Translational Medicine] Through microarray and single-cell sequencing data, investigators discovered KMT2A-positive fibroblasts were increased in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis lung tissues.
Spurred by advances in the modeling of the airway epithelium, Pulmonary Cell News was launched in 2012 to help scientists stay at the forefront of cutting edge research. Every week, our editors hand-select the most recent, top scientific journal articles on the topics of pulmonary cells, lung cancers, and respiratory diseases such as COPD and asthma. We also highlight current job postings and upcoming events to keep the global research community connected!