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Long Non-Coding RNA KTN1-AS1 Promotes Progression in Pancreatic Cancer through Regulating microRNA-23b-3p/High-Mobility Group Box 2 Axis

[Aging-Us] The expression of antisense of KTN1 (KTN1-AS1) in tissues and cells was detected by qRT-PCR, and the relationship between KTN1-AS1 and clinicopathological data of patients with pancreatic cancer was analyzed.

Hypoxic Exosomal HIF-1α-Stabilizing circZNF91 Promotes Chemoresistance of Normoxic Pancreatic Cancer Cells via Enhancing Glycolysis

[Oncogene] Researchers reported a hypoxic exosomal circular RNA-mediated mechanism of conferred chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer cells.
