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Defining Developmental Trajectories of Prosensory Cells in Human Inner Ear Organoids at Single-Cell Resolution

[Development] Investigators established a SOX2-2A-ntdTomato human embryonic stem cell line using CRISPR/Cas9, and performed single-cell RNA-sequencing analyses with SOX2-positive cells isolated from inner ear organoids at various time points.

Human Pancreatic Ductal Organoids with Controlled Polarity Provide a Novel Ex Vivo Tool to Study Epithelial Cell Physiology

[Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences] Investigators developed an advanced culturing method for human pancreatic organoids based on the removal of the extracellular matrix that induced an apical-to-basal polarity switch.

Light-Responsive MicroRNA Molecules in Human Retinal Organoids Are Differentially Regulated by Distinct Wavelengths of Light

[iScience] To better understand and characterize light-regulated microRNAs (miRNAs), the authors generated light-responsive human retinal organoids that expressed miRNA families and clusters typically found in the retina.

Organoid Models of Breathing Disorders Reveal Patterning Defect of Hindbrain Neurons Caused by PHOX2B-PARMs

[Stem Cell Reports] To understand how PHOX2B-polyalanine repeat mutations (PHOX2B-PARMs) alter the function of PHOX2B and perturb the formation of retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) neurons, scientists generated human brainstem organoids with RTN-like neurons from human pluripotent stem cells.

Comprehensive Analysis of Angiogenesis Pattern and Related Immune Landscape for Individual Treatment in Osteosarcoma

[NPJ Precision Oncology] Angiogenesis patterns in osteosarcoma were explored in depth in this study to construct a prognostic model called ANGscore and clarify the underlying mechanism involved in the immune microenvironment.

Targeting Lysine-Specific Demethylase 1 (KDM1A/LSD1) Impairs Colorectal Cancer Tumorigenesis by Affecting Cancer Cells Stemness, Motility, and Differentiation

[Cell Death Discovery] The authors explored the potential role of KDM1A targeting in colorectal cancer (CRC) by characterizing the effect of KDM1A silencing in differentiated and CRC stem cells. In CRC samples, KDM1A overexpression was associated with a worse prognosis, confirming its role as an independent negative prognostic factor of CRC.
