Cancer Stem Cell News Volume 3.49 | Dec 17 2014

    Cancer Stem Cell News 3.49 December 17, 2014

    Cancer Stem Cell News

         In this issue: Publications | Reviews | Science News | Industry News | Policy News | Events | Jobs
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    PDGFRα and β Play Critical Roles in Mediating Foxq1-Driven Breast Cancer Stemness and Chemoresistance
    Researchers report that Foxq1, a forkhead box-containing transcription factor and epithelial-mesenchymal transition-inducing gene, promotes stemness traits and chemoresistance in mammary epithelial cells. In addition, PDGFRβ is a more potent mediator of Foxq1-promoted stemness traits than PDGFRα. [Cancer Res] Abstract
    Learn More: Column-Free Enrichment of Mouse Mammary Stem & Progenitor Cells

    PUBLICATIONS (Ranked by impact factor of the journal)
    Stem Cells Increase in Numbers in Peri-Necrotic Areas in Human Renal Cancer
    Scientists hypothesized that sunitinib-induced tumor necrosis-associated hypoxia could interact with renal cancer stem-cells in patients with metastatic renal-cell carcinoma (RCC). When they studied the six RCC xenograft models at the time necrosis, whether spontaneous or sunitinib-induced, occurred, necrosis area correlated with stem-cell number in all 120 xenografted RCCs. [Clin Cancer Res] Abstract

    Toll Like Receptor 4 Facilitates Invasion and Migration as a Cancer Stem Cell Marker in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
    Two hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines and a splenic vein metastasis of the nude mouse model were used to study the invasive ability of toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) positive HCC cells in vitro and in vivo. Stem-like features were also detected in TLR4 positive HCC cells. [Cancer Lett] Abstract

    Inhibition of Mesothelioma Cancer Stem-Like Cells with Adenovirus-Mediated NK4 Gene Therapy
    Researchers show that the NK4 adenovirus (Ad-NK4) potently inhibits cell viability, invasiveness, and tumorigenicity of human malignant mesothelioma (MM) cells. They demonstrate for the first time that Ad-NK4 inhibits cancer stem-like cell properties as assessed by spheroid formation assay, side population analysis, and flow cytometric sorting of CD24 cells. [Int J Cancer] Abstract

    Honokiol Inhibits Melanoma Stem Cells by Targeting Notch Signaling
    Investigators determined the effects of honokiol (HNK), a biphenolic natural compound on melanoma cells and stemness. HNK significantly inhibited melanoma cell proliferation, viability, clonogenicity and induced autophagy. [Mol Carcinog] Abstract

    Sevoflurane Promotes the Expansion of Glioma Stem Cells through Activation of Hypoxia-Inducible Factors In Vitro
    Scientists investigated the effect of sevoflurane on glioma stem cells (GSCs) in vitro and the underlying molecular mechanisms in this process. Cultured GSCs were exposed to clinically relevant concentrations and durations of sevoflurane exposure. Cell proliferation and self-renewal capacity were determined. [Br J Anaesth] Abstract

    Salinomycin Exerts Anticancer Effects on Human Breast Carcinoma MCF-7 Cancer Stem Cells via Modulation of Hedgehog Signaling
    Salinomycin’s ability to modulate the activity of key elements in the Hedgehog pathway was examined in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7, as well as in a subpopulation of cancer stem cells identified within this cancer cell line. [Chem Biol Interact] Abstract

    MicroRNA-17 Promotes Normal Ovarian Cancer Cells to Cancer Stem Cells Development via Suppression of the LKB1-p53-p21/WAF1 Pathway
    Investigators examined the role of miR-17 in the expression of liver kinase protein (LKB1) and the downstream effects on proliferation and invasion capacity of normal ovarian cancer cells and ovarian stem cells.
    [Tumor Biol]

    Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines Display a Plastic Ability to Bi‑Directionally Convert into Cancer Stem Cells
    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cancer stem cells were generally more resistant to the action of five anticancer drugs than parental cell lines and were characterized by an increased expression of EpCAM and CD44v6, typical stem cell surface markers, and a decreased expression of E-cadherin, the main marker of the epithelial state. [Int J Oncol] Abstract

    A Flexible Reporter System for Direct Observation and Isolation of Cancer Stem Cells
    Researchers developed a flexible lentiviral-based reporter system that allows direct visualization of cancer stem cells based on functional properties. The reporter responds to the core stem cell transcription factors OCT4 and SOX2, with further selectivity and kinetic resolution coming from use of a proteasome-targeting degron.
    [Stem Cell Reports]
    Full Article | Graphical Abstract

    Culture Human Glioma-Derived Tumorspheres with NeuroCult™ - View Publications

    Developing Ovarian Cancer Stem Cell Models: Laying the Pipeline from Discovery to Clinical Intervention
    The authors review contemporary approaches to cancer stem cell (CSC) discovery and argue that this process should start with an understanding of the specific challenges associated with clinical intervention, laying the pipeline backwards towards CSC discovery. [Mol Cancer] Abstract | Full Article

    Pancreatic Cancer Stem Cells: New Insight into a Stubborn Disease
    The authors review recent advances in pancreatic cancer stem cell (PCSC) research. Particular attention is paid to the regulation mechanisms of pancreatic cancer stem cell functions, such as stemness-related signaling pathways, microRNAs, the epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and the tumor microenvironment, and the development of novel PCSC targeted therapy. [Cancer Lett] Abstract

    Glioblastoma Stem-Like Cells: At the Root of Tumor Recurrence and a Therapeutic Target
    Current knowledge suggests that the continued tumor growth and recurrence is in part due to the presence of glioma stem-like cells, which display self-renewal and tumorigenic potential. The authors suggest that limited knowledge of the characteristics of these cells and their response to current clinical treatments warrants intensive investigation with the aim to improve patient survival and/or develop a cure for this disease. [Carcinogenesis] Abstract

    Visit our reviews page to see a complete list of reviews in the cancer stem cell research field.

    Novel Approach for Estrogen-Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Looks Promising
    Researchers report promising results from a novel therapeutic approach for women with estrogen-receptor-positive breast cancer. The new approach, a new drug class called gamma secretase inhibitors, specifically inhibits the Notch protein and shuts down critical genes and cancer cells responsible for tumor growth. [Press release from Loyola Medicine discussing research presented at the 2014 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio] Press Release

    The New Way to Treat Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Is “Made in Italy”
    The association between paclitaxel, and the drug reparixin, the outcome of Dompé research, appears safe and well tolerated in women with metastatic breast cancer, without pharmacological interference between the two molecules. This has been confirmed in a Phase Ib study conducted at leading oncological research centers in the United States. [Press release from Dompé, S.p.A. discussing research presented at the 2014 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio] Press Release

    From our sponsor:
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    Watch a video to see how ALDEFLUOR™ can help.

    BC Cancer Agency Researchers Co-Lead $60 Million National Initiative for Innovative Cancer Treatments
    BC Cancer Agency researchers will play a key role in the first Network of Centers of Excellence devoted to cancer research, announced today with a $25 million commitment from the Government of Canada and an additional $35 million from partners across the country. [BC Cancer Agency] Press Release

    Stemline Therapeutics Initiates SL-401 Clinical Trial in Four Rare Myeloproliferative Neoplasms
    Stemline Therapeutics, Inc. announced the initiation of a clinical trial with SL-401 in four rare myeloproliferative neoplasms. SL-401 is a targeted therapy directed to the interleukin-3 receptor present on cancer stem cells and tumor bulk of a wide range of hematologic cancers. [Stemline Therapeutics, Inc.] Press Release

    Novogen Announces Breakthrough Discovery in the Treatment of Melanoma
    Novogen Limited announced that it has confirmed that its lead candidate product, TRXE-009, originally developed for the treatment of brain cancers, has been shown in pre-clinical studies also to be highly active against melanoma. [Novogen Limited] Press Release

    ImmunoCellular Therapeutics Announces Issuance of Key Patent for ICT-107 Cancer Vaccine
    ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, Ltd. announced that the US Patent and Trademark Office has issued a key patent covering ImmunoCellular’s product candidate ICT-107, a dendritic cell-based immunotherapeutic vaccine targeting six tumor antigens that are commonly expressed on glioblastoma. [ImmunoCellular Therapeutics, Ltd.] Press Release

    National Institutes of Health (United States)

    Food and Drug Administration (United States)

    Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (United States)

    European Medicines Agency (European Union)

    Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (United Kingdom)

    Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia)

    NEW Radiation Biology and Cancer: From Molecular Responses to the Clinic
    February 5-7, 2015
    Essen, Germany

    NEW Cancer 2015
    February 6-7, 2015
    Kiev, Ukraine

    NEW New and Emerging Trends in Oncology 2015 (NEO’15)
    February 9-11, 2015
    Hyderabad, India

    Visit our events page to see a complete list of events in the cancer stem cell community.

    NEW Postdoctoral Fellow – Cancer Stem Cell Biology (Genome Institute of Singapore)

    Postdoctoral Position – Cancer and Developmental Biology (University of California, Irvine)

    Postdoctoral Fellow – Stem Cells and Cancer (Tsinghua University)

    Postdoctoral Fellow – Brain Stem Cells and Cancer (University of California, San Francisco)

    Postdoctoral Position – ER Stress and Cancer Biology (Baylor College of Medicine)

    Postdoctoral Position – Pluripotent Stem Cell Biology and Cancer Research (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)

    Principal Investigator – Cancer Biochemist (Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center)

    Postdoctoral Researcher – Chromatin and Epigenetic Regulation (Van Andel Research Institute)

    Postdoctoral Fellow – Energy Metabolism and Nutrient Sensing in Cancer Development and Stem Cells (MD Anderson Cancer Center)

    Scientist – Pluripotent Stem Cell Media Development, High Throughput Screening (STEMCELL Technologies Inc.)

    Scientist – Cell Culture Support Products (STEMCELL Technologies Inc.)

    Recruit Top Talent: Reach more than 50,000 potential candidates by posting your organization’s career opportunities on the Connexon Creative Job Board at no cost.


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