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Chronic BDNF Simultaneously Inhibits and Unmasks Superficial Dorsal Horn Neuronal Activity

[Scientific Reports] Reseachers used chronic brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) treatment of defined-medium, serum-free spinal organotypic cultures to study intracellular calcium fluctuations.

Inhibition of Mitochondrial Complex II in Neuronal Cells Triggers Unique Pathways Culminating in Autophagy with Implications for Neurodegeneration

[Scientific Reports] Scientists unravelled the down-stream pathways associated with mitochondrial complex II (CII) inhibition and compared with CI inhibition and the Manganese neurotoxicity. Genome-wide transcriptomics of N27 neuronal cells exposed to 3-nitropropionic acid, compared with 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium and Mn revealed varied transcriptomic profile.

Endothelial Progenitor/Stem Cells in Engineered Vessels for Vascular Transplantation

[Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine] Umbilical-cord blood vessels were isolated for decellularization and to establish endothelial cell culture. Cultured cells were characterized by immunophenotype, gene expression and in vitro angiogenesis assay.

Neurotrophic Effects of Dental Pulp Stem Cells on Trigeminal Neuronal Cells

[Scientific Reports] Scientists investigated the trophic potential of dental pulp stem cells-derived conditioned medium to protect and regenerate isolated primary trigeminal ganglion neuronal cells.

Unacylated-Ghrelin Impairs Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Memory in Mice and Is Altered in Parkinson’s Dementia in Humans

[Cell Reports Medicine] The authors report that elevating circulating unacylated-ghrelin, using both pharmacological and genetic methods, reduced hippocampal neurogenesis and plasticity in mice.

Alpha-Synuclein Is Involved in Manganese-Induced Spatial Memory and Synaptic Plasticity Impairments via TrkB/Akt/Fyn-Mediated Phosphorylation of NMDA Receptors

[Cell Death & Disease] Investigators transfected HT22 cells with lentivirus--alpha-synuclein (α-Syn) shRNA, followed by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and manganese stimulation. In vitro experiments indicated that α-Syn selectively interacted with TrkB receptors and inhibited BDNF/TrkB signaling, leading to phosphorylation and downregulation of GluN2B.
