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Continuous Monitoring Reveals Protective Effects of N-Acetylcysteine Amide on an Isogenic Microphysiological Model of the Neurovascular Unit

[Small] Investigators reported the first model of the blood-brain barrier featuring both isogenic human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cells and continuous barrier integrity monitoring with under 2 min temporal resolution.

Conservation and Divergence of Vulnerability and Responses to Stressors between Human and Mouse Astrocytes

[Nature Communications] Based on analyses of acutely purified astrocytes, serum-free cultures of primary astrocytes, and xenografted chimeric mice, scientists found extensive conservation in astrocytic gene expression between human and mouse samples.

Dysregulation of Brain and Choroid Plexus Cell Types in Severe COVID-19

[Nature] Scientists discovered COVID-19 disease-associated microglia and astrocyte subpopulations that share features with pathological cell states reported in human neurodegenerative disease4–6.

Targeting the αv Integrin-TGF-β Axis Improves Natural Killer Cell Function against Glioblastoma Stem Cells

[Journal of Clinical Investigation] Researchers showed that glioblastoma stem cells, but not normal astrocytes, were sensitive to lysis by healthy allogeneic natural killer cells in vitro.

Targeting the αv Integrin-TGF-β Axis Improves Natural Killer Cell Function against Glioblastoma Stem Cells

[Journal of Clinical Investigation] The authors showed that glioblastoma stem cells, but not normal astrocytes, were sensitive to lysis by healthy allogeneic natural killer cells in vitro.

Hypothalamic Astrocytes as a Specialized and Responsive Cell Population in Obesity

[International Journal of Molecular Sciences] Scientists provide a comprehensive review of the most relevant findings of molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms by which hypothalamic astrocytes might be involved in the pathogenesis of obesity.
