Tag results:

embryonic stem cells

Orphan CpG Islands Amplify Poised Enhancer Regulatory Activity and Determine Target Gene Responsiveness

[Nature Genetics] Using a knock-in strategy in mouse ESCs, researchers showed that orphan CpG islands were an essential component of poised enhancers that augmented their long-range regulatory activity and controlled the responsiveness of their target genes.

Testicular Somatic Cell-Like Cells Derived from Embryonic Stem Cells Induce Differentiation of Epiblasts into Germ Cells

[Communications Biology] Investigators demonstrated conditions for in vitro reconstitution of a testicular environment from ESCs and provided further insights into the generation of sperm entirely in xeno-free culture.

Epithelial Cell Plasticity Drives Endoderm Formation during Gastrulation

[Nature Cell Biology] Researchers used ESC and mouse embryo knock‐in reporter systems to combine time-resolved lineage labelling with high-resolution single-cell transcriptomics, which allowed them to resolve the morphogenetic programs that segregated the mesoderm from the endoderm germ layer.

Endogenous Reverse Transcriptase and RNase H-Mediated Antiviral Mechanism in Embryonic Stem Cells

[Cell Research] Investigators reported a novel type of nucleic acid-based antiviral system that existed in mouse ESCs (mESCs), which suppressed RNA virus infection by DNA-mediated RNA cleavage, providing intriguing insights into the antiviral mechanism of mESCs.

Stress Decreases Host Viral Resistance and Increases COVID Susceptibility in Embryonic Stem Cells

[Stem Cell Reviews and Reports] Stress-induced changes in viral receptor and susceptibility gene expression were measured in ESCs and differentiated progeny. Bulk RNAseq transcriptomic analysis showed significant upregulation of two genes involved in Covid-19 cell uptake, Vimentin and Transmembrane Serine Protease 2.

Impaired Stem Cell Differentiation and Somatic Cell Reprogramming in DIDO3 Mutants with Altered RNA Processing and Increased R-Loop Levels

[Cell Death & Disease] Investigators showed that truncation of the DIDO gene altered RNA splicing and transcription termination in ESC and mouse embryo fibroblasts, which affected genes involved in both differentiation and reprogramming.
