Tag results:

endothelial cells

CircCHMP5 Contributes to Ox-LDL-Induced Endothelial Cell Injury through the Regulation of MiR-532-5p/ROCK2 Axis

[Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy] Oxidized low-density lipoprotein was used to treat human umbilical vein endothelial cells to construct a cell injury model. The expression level of circCHMP5, miR-532-5p, and Rho-associated protein kinase 2 was measured using quantitative real-time PCR.

The Versatility and Paradox of BMP Signaling in Endothelial Cell Behaviors and Blood Vessel Function

[Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences] The authors examine endothelial cell bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in vitro and in vivo and discuss the paradox of BMP signals that both destabilize and stabilize endothelial cell behaviors.

Local Factor H Production by Human Choroidal Endothelial Cells Mitigates Complement Deposition: Implications for Macular Degeneration

[Journal of Pathology] Scientists investigated the effect of reduced complement factor H (FH) levels in the choroid to determine whether increasing local FH could protect choroidal endothelial cells from membrane attack complex deposition.

Uncovering Emergent Phenotypes in Endothelial Cells by Clustering of Surrogates of Cardiovascular Risk Factors

[Scientific Reports] Researchers used global gene expression in human coronary artery endothelial cells to identify gene pathways and cellular processes in response to chemical hypoxia, oxidized lipids, IL-1β induced inflammation, oscillatory flow, and these combined stimuli.

Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Septoclasts Resorb Cartilage during Developmental Ossification and Fracture Healing

[Nature Communications] Scientists showed that matrix degradation and chondrocyte phagocytosis were mediated by fatty acid binding protein 5-expressing cells representing septoclasts, which had a mesenchymal origin and were not derived from hematopoietic cells.

A Single-Cell Atlas of the Normal and Malformed Human Brain Vasculature

[Science] Investigators profiled transcriptomes of 181,388 cells to define a cell atlas of the adult human cerebrovasculature, including endothelial cell molecular signatures with arteriovenous segmentation and expanded perivascular cell diversity.
