Tag results:

induced pluripotent stem cells

Single-Cell Transcriptome of Early Hematopoiesis Guides Arterial Endothelial-Enhanced Functional T Cell Generation from Human PSCs

[Science Advances] Scientists performed extensive single-cell transcriptomic analyses to map fate choices and gene expression patterns during hematopoietic differentiation of human PSCs and showed that oxidative metabolism was dysregulated during in vitro directed differentiation.

Identification of New Transcription Factors that Can Promote Pluripotent Reprogramming

[Stem Cell Reviews and Reports] The chromatin accessibility and transcriptional level of human ESCs and human urine cells were compared by Assay for Transposase-Accessible Chromatin with high-throughput sequencing and RNA sequencing RNA-seq to identify potential reprogramming factors.

Cell Cycle-Coupled Changes in the Level of Reactive Oxygen Species Support the Proliferation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

[Stem Cells] Using human ESCs as well as human iPSCs, investigators demonstrated that the level of reactive oxygen species in pluripotent cells oscillated in accordance with the cell cycle progression with the peak occurring at transition from S to G2/M phase of the cycle.

Patient-Specific iPSCs Carrying an SFTPC Mutation Reveal the Intrinsic Alveolar Epithelial Dysfunction at the Inception of Interstitial Lung Disease

[Cell Reports] Researchers presented a human in vitro model permitting investigation of epithelial-intrinsic events culminating in AEC2 dysfunction, using patient-specific iPSCs carrying an AEC2-exclusive disease-associated variant (SFTPCI73T).

Cell Reprogramming Shapes the Mitochondrial DNA Landscape

[Nature Communications] Comprehensively analyzing the mitochondrial genome in 146 iPSC and fibroblast lines from 151 donors, researchers showed that most age-related fibroblast mtDNA mutations were lost during reprogramming.

TGFβ Signaling Is Required to Maintain Pluripotency of Human Naïve Pluripotent Stem Cells

[eLife] The authors demonstrate that TGFβ signaling was required to maintain naïve human PSCs (hPSCs). The downstream effector proteins – SMAD2/3 – bound common sites in naïve and primed hPSCs, including shared pluripotency genes.
