Tag results:

induced pluripotent stem cells

CRISPR Gene Editing in Pluripotent Stem Cells Reveals the Function of MBNL Proteins during Human In Vitro Myogenesis

[Human Molecular Genetics] Researchers generated human-iPSCs depleted in MBNL proteins and evaluated the consequences of their losses on the generation of skeletal muscle cells.

Transnasal Transplantation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Microglia to the Brain of Immunocompetent Mice

[Glia] Scientists developed a simplified method to generate iPSC-derived human microglia and transplanted them into the brain via a transnasal route in immunocompetent mice, in combination with a colony stimulating factor 1 receptor antagonist.

Strategies for Differentiation of hiPSCs into Dental Epithelial Cell Lineage

[Cell and Tissue Research] Various factors were precisely modulated to facilitate differentiation of human iPSCs into dental epithelial cells, which are essential for the regeneration of functional teeth.

Label-Free Imaging for Quality Control of Cardiomyocyte Differentiation

[Nature Communications] Investigators developed a non-invasive label-free live cell imaging platform to predict the efficiency of human PSC (hPSC) differentiation into cardiomyocytes. Autofluorescence imaging of metabolic co-enzymes was performed under varying differentiation conditions across five hPSC lines.

Retinoblastoma from Human Stem Cell-Derived Retinal Organoids

[Nature Communications] To develop a laboratory model of human retinoblastoma formation, the authors made iPSCs from 15 participants with germline RB1 mutations. Each of the stem cell lines was validated, characterized and then differentiated into retina using a 3D organoid culture system.

Epigenetic Reprogramming of Cell Identity: Lessons from Development for Regenerative Medicine

[Clinical Epigenetics] Investigators highlight how gene regulatory mechanisms identified to be critical for developmental processes were successfully used for cellular reprogramming of various cell types.
