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Cryo-EM Structure of the Extracellular Domain of Murine Thrombopoietin Receptor in Complex with Thrombopoietin

[Nature Communications] Scientists characterized the murine thrombopoietin (Tpo):Tpo receptor signaling complex biochemically and structurally, using cryo-electron microscopy.

Graphene Hybrid Tough Hydrogels with Nanostructures for Tissue Regeneration

[Nano Letters] Investigators developed a tough graphene hybrid hydrogel with nanostructures. The resultant hydrogel exhibited remarkable mechanical properties while representing an aligned nanostructure that resembled the extracellular matrix of soft tissue.

Inhibition of Photoaging by Anthocyanin Metabolites Derived from Rose Petal Extract

[Molecular Nutrition & Food Research] Scientists described the anti-aging effect and mechanism of action of orally administered rose petal extract in ultraviolet B-induced skin aging.

Metal-Phenolic Networks-Reinforced Extracellular Matrix Scaffold for Bone Regeneration via Combining Radical-Scavenging and Photo-Responsive Regulation of Microenvironment

[Advanced Healthcare Materials] A new Strontium and epigallocatechin-3-gallate based metal–phenolic network with polydopamine modification was prepared. This material reinforced a biomimetic scaffold made of ECM and hydroxyapatite nanowires

Macromolecular Crowding Enhances Matrix Proteins Deposition in Tissue Engineered Vascular Grafts

[Tissue Engineering Part A] Collagen type I in the culture medium decreased significantly compared with that in the medium without a macromolecular crowding agent. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that macromolecular crowding agents considerably enhanced the formation of matrix protein structures during the early stages of 3D culture.

Desmoglein-2 Affects Vascular Function in Moyamoya Disease by Interacting with MMP-9 and Influencing PI3K Signaling

[Molecular Neurobiology] Researchers investigated the effect of desmoglein-2 on Moyamoya disease and determined the inhibitory effect of DSG2 in vascular remodeling in Moyamoya disease.
