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Brain-Specific Pd1 Deficiency Leads to Cortical Neurogenesis Defects and Depressive-Like Behaviors in Mice

[Cell Death & Differentiation] Investigators found brain specific deletion of Pd1 results in abnormal cortical neurogenesis, including enhanced proliferation of neural progenitors and reduced neuronal differentiation.

Kidins220 Sets the Threshold for Survival of Neural Stem Cells and Progenitors to Sustain Adult Neurogenesis

[Cell Death & Disease] Scientists discovered severe neurogenic deficits and hippocampal-based spatial memory defects accompanied by increased neuroblast death and high loss of newly formed neurons in Kidins220 deficient mice.

Parkinson’s Disease Neurons Exhibit Alterations in Mitochondrial Quality Control Proteins

[npj Parkinson's Disease] Investigators used imaging mass cytometry to overcome challenges in understanding the contribution of mitochondrial dysfunction to Parkinson’s disease pathogenesis, measuring multiple protein targets, whilst retaining the spatial relationship between targets in post-mortem midbrain sections.

Deletion of TRPC6, an Autism Risk Gene, Induces Hyperexcitability in Cortical Neurons Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

[Molecular Neurobiology] Using human pluripotent stem cell–derived cortical neurons, single-cell calcium imaging, and electrophysiological recording, scientists showed that transient receptor potential canonical-6 (TRPC6) knockout reduced store-operated calcium entry signaling and leads to hyperexcitability of neurons by increasing action potential frequency and network burst frequency.

Cholinergic-Like Neurons and Cerebral Spheroids Bearing the PSEN1 p.Ile416Thr Variant Mirror Alzheimer’s Disease Neuropathology

[Scientific Reports] Researchers demonstrated that menstrual stromal cells-derived planar presenilin 1 (PSEN 1) I416T cholinergic-like cells and cerebral spheroids reproduced the typical neuropathological markers of familial Alzheimer’s disease in 4 post-transdifferentiating or 11 days of transdifferentiating, respectively.

Astrocyte-Neuron Lactate Shuttle Plays a Pivotal Role in Sensory-Based Neuroprotection in a Rat Model of Permanent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion

[Scientific Reports] Scientists tested whether astrocytes-neuron lactate shuttle activation could be another potential underpinning mechanism that complements collateral flow in the protection process.
