All Articles by Author:

Danielle Corrigan

In Vivo Engraftment into the Cornea Endothelium Using Extracellular Matrix Shrink-Wrapped Cells

[Communications Materials] The authors developed a technique to shrink-wrap micropatterned islands of corneal endothelial cells in a basement membrane-like layer of ECM that enabled the cells to maintain their cell-cell junctions and cytoskeletal structure while in suspension.

Biomechanically and Biochemically Functional Scaffold for Recruitment of Endogenous Stem Cells to Promote Tendon Regeneration

[npj Regenerative Medicine] Scientists combined the decellularized bovine tendon sheet (DBTS) with ECM from tendon-derived stem cells to fabricate a biomechanically and biochemically functional scaffold (tECM-DBTS), to provide a functional and stem cell ECM-based microenvironment for tendon regeneration.

Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Is Rescued by TGFβ/BMP Signaling Modulation in an Ex Vivo Filamin B Mouse Model

[Bone Research] Utilizing a filamin B knockout mouse, researchers showed that the vertebral fusions in spondylocarpotarsal syndrome evolved from intervertebral disc degeneration and ossification of the annulus fibrosus, eventually leading to full trabecular bone formation.

Incomplete Abscission and Cytoplasmic Bridges in the Evolution of Eukaryotic Multicellularity

[Current Biology] The authors survey the distribution, function, and formation of cytoplasmic bridges across the eukaryotic tree of life. They find that cytoplasmic bridges are widespread, and were likely ancestrally present, in almost all lineages of eukaryotes with clonal multicellularity

Transglutaminase 3 Negatively Regulates Immune Responses on the Heart of the Mosquito, Anopheles gambiae

[Scientific Reports] The authors queried the expression of transglutaminase genes and examined whether they play a role in heart-associated immune responses.

IFN-γ+ Cytotoxic CD4+ T Lymphocytes Are Involved in the Pathogenesis of Colitis Induced by IL-23 and the Food Colorant Red 40

[Cellular & Molecular Immunology] Using single-cell transcriptomic analysis, scientists found that several CD4+ T-cell subsets were present in the intestines of colitic mice, including an interferon (IFN)-γ-producing subset.


A Three-Dimensionally Architected Electronic Skin Mimicking Human Mechanosensation

[Science] Investigators reported a 3D architected electronic skin with force and strain sensing components arranged in a 3D layout that mimicked that of Merkel cells and Ruffini endings in human skin.

Oral Estrogen Receptor PROTAC® Vepdegestrant (ARV-471) is Highly Efficacious as Monotherapy and in Combination with CDK4/6 or PI3K/mTOR Pathway Inhibitors in Preclinical ER+ Breast...

[Clinical Cancer Research] Scientists used biochemical and intracellular target engagement assays to demonstrate the mechanism of action of vepdegestrant, and ESR1 wild-type and mutant ER+ preclinical breast cancer models to demonstrate ER degradation-mediated tumor growth inhibition.

ZDHHC20-Mediated S-palmitoylation of YTHDF3 Stabilizes MYC mRNA to Promote Pancreatic Cancer Progression

[Nature Communications] Scientists examined the effect of palmitoylation on pancreatic cancer progression and discovered that ZDHHC20, upregulated by KRAS, was abnormally overexpressed and associated with poor prognosis in patients with pancreatic cancer.