Neural Cell News

Neural Cell News is an online resource covering the latest research in neuroscience, neural stem cells, and neurological conditions.

IRLAB Has Administered the First Dose in a Phase I Clinical Trial with the Drug Candidate IRL757

[IRLAB Therapeutics] IRLAB Therapeutics AB announced that dosing has been initiated in a Phase I study of the drug candidate IRL757. IRL757 has been shown in preclinical disease models to counteract apathy – a condition that impairs the quality of life for millions of people with Parkinson’s disease and other CNS diseases.

Single-Cell Patch-Clamp/Proteomics of Human Alzheimer’s Disease iPSC-Derived Excitatory Neurons versus Isogenic Wild-Type Controls Suggests Novel Causation and Therapeutic Targets

[Advanced Science] A new single-cell patch-clamp/proteomics platform termed scPatch-Proteomics was developed on single neurons generated from hiPSCs bearing an Alzheimer's disease genetic mutation.

Parkinson’s Patient Moves Freely Again after World-First Implant of Lab-Grown Cells Into His Brain

[STEM-PD] Researchers at Lund University have successfully implanted 7 million lab-grown brain cells into a patient to treat Parkinson's disease. Swedish resident Thomas Matsson was the first in the world to test the method about a year ago

CHD2 Regulates Neuron-Glioma Interactions in Pediatric Glioma

[Cancer Discovery] The authors reported that the chromatin remodeler CHD2 regulated neuron-glioma interactions in diffuse midline glioma (DMG) characterized by onco-histone H3.1K27M. Depletion of CHD2 in DMG cells compromised cell viability and neuron-to-glioma synaptic connections in vitro, neuron-induced proliferation of H3.1K27M DMG cells in vitro and in vivo, and extended the survival of H3.1K27M DMG-bearing mice.

Uncovering the Dynamics and Consequences of RNA Isoform Changes During Neuronal Differentiation

[Molecular Systems Biology] Investigators established an improved model for human neurogenesis in vitro that was amenable for systems-wide analyses of gene expression.

Inhibiting proBDNF To Mature BDNF Conversion Leads to ASD-Like Phenotypes In Vivo

[Molecular Psychiatry] Researchers generated a knock-in mouse line in which the conversion of pro-brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) to mature BDNF was attenuated. Mice showed reduced dendritic arborization, altered spines, and impaired synaptic transmission and plasticity in the hippocampus. They also exhibited autism spectrum disorder-like phenotypes, including stereotypical behaviors and deficits in social interaction.

Upregulated ECM Genes and Increased Synaptic Activity in Parkinson’s Human DA Neurons with PINK1/ PRKN Mutations

[npj Parkinson's Disease] The authors generated and differentiated dopamine and hippocampal neurons from human induced pluripotent stem cells derived from two patients with a double mutation in their PINK1 and PRKN genes and assessed their neurophysiology compared to two healthy controls.

A Prognostic Neural Epigenetic Signature in High-Grade Glioma

[Nature Medicine] Investigators presented an epigenetically defined neural signature of glioblastoma that independently predicted patients’ survival. Single-cell transcriptomic analysis revealed a high abundance of malignant stem cell-like cells in high-neural glioblastoma, primarily of the neural lineage.

Neuronal PAS Domain 1 Identifies a Major Subpopulation of Wakefulness-Promoting GABAergic Neurons in the Basal Forebrain

[Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America] Scientists described a group of basal forebrain (BF) neurons expressing neuronal Per-Arnt-Sim (PAS) domain 1 (Npas1), a developmental transcription factor linked to neuropsychiatric disorders.

Aberrant CHCHD2-Associated Mitochondriopathy in Kii ALS/PDC Astrocytes

[Acta Neuropathologica] Leveraging advanced induced pluripotent stem cell technology, investigators cultivated multiple astrocyte lines to further investigate the Japanese variant of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/Parkinsonism-Dementia Complex (ALS/PDC).

Modeling of Brain Tumors Using In Vitro, In Vivo, and Microfluidic Models: A Review of the Current Developments

[Heliyon] The authors discuss some of the most important in vitro, in vivo, and microfluidic brain tumor models that aim to address challenges, including difficulty in emulating the complexity of the brain and the surrounding microenvironment.

The Vascular Contribution of Apolipoprotein E to Alzheimer’s Disease

[Brain] The authors examine the evidence elucidating the cerebrovascular impact of both central and peripheral apolipoprotein E on the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

Neural Cell News helps scientists keep pace with the latest research, reviews, and industry developments in neuroscience. Specific research topics include neural development and neuroregeneration, neural signaling related to cellular responses and behavior, and synaptic plasticity. Research into the diagnosis, progression, cellular characteristics, and treatment of brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and various brain cancers, as well as brain damage resulting from infection, trauma, stroke, seizures, and tumors, is also covered.
