Tag results:

cancer stem cells

A Novel HIF-2α Targeted Inhibitor Suppresses Hypoxia-Induced Breast Cancer Stemness via SOD2-mtROS-PDI/GPR78-UPRER Axis

[Cell Death & Differentiation] Scientists illustrated that HIF-2α, but not HIF-1α, induced stemness in breast cancer cells under hypoxia through SOD2-mtROS-PDI/GRP78-UPRER pathway, linking mitochondrial metabolic state to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) response via mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mtROS) level.

DOT1L Is a Novel Cancer Stem Cell Target for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

[Clinical Cancer Research] The authors tested if inhibition of DOT1L, an epigenetic regulator of normal tissue stem/progenitor populations, would target triple-negative breast cancers stem cells.

Tumor-Associated Macrophage Derived IL-6 Enriches Cancer Stem Cell Population and Promotes Breast Tumor Progression via Stat-3 Pathway

[Cancer Cell International] Researchers reported that macrophages, upon interaction with breast cancer cells, activated tumor promoting functions and exhibited differential expression of various proteins as shown by secretome analysis using proteomics studies.

Cancer Stem Cell Regulated Phenotypic Plasticity Protects Metastasized Cancer Cells from Ferroptosis

[Nature Communications] Researchers demonstrated that the breast CSC secretome autonomously compressed the stem cell population.

Elevated Expression of RAB3B Plays Important Roles in Chemoresistance and Metastatic Potential of Hepatoma Cells

[BMC Cancer] RAB3B was identified as an up-regulated gene in both cancer stem-like sphere cells and prognostically poor hepatocellular carcinoma by RNA-sequencing.

Deciphering Cancer Stem Cells in Liver Cancers: New Tools with Improved Resolution

[Carcinogenesis] Scientists review the evolution of tools to evaluate CSCs in liver cancers, discuss their contributions and limitations, as well as their combined and complementary utilization with techniques like human tumor organoid culture.
