Tag results:

cell proliferation

Rapid Nanomolding of Nanotopography on Flexible Substrates to Control Muscle Cell Growth with Enhanced Maturation

[Microsystems & Nanoengineering] Investigators presented a simple strategy for using optical media discs with nanogrooves and other polymer-based substrates nanomolded from the discs to directly culture muscle cells to study their response to the effect of biophysical cues such as nanotopography and substrate stiffness.

Differential Phase Register of Hes1 Oscillations with Mitoses Underlies Cell-Cycle Heterogeneity in ER+ Breast Cancer Cells

[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America] Scientists studied the dynamical expression of endogenously labeled Hes1, a transcriptional repressor implicated in controlling cell proliferation, to understand how cell-cycle length heterogeneity was generated in estrogen receptor (ER)+ breast cancer cells.

CRISPR Interference and Activation of the microRNA-3662-HBP1 Axis Control Progression of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

[Oncogene] Investigators found that inhibition or knockout of endogenous, mature microRNA-3662 in TNBC cells suppressed proliferation and migration in vitro and tumor growth and metastasis in vivo.

lncRNA FOXD3-AS1 Promotes the Progression of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer by Regulating the miR-135a-5p/CDK6 Axis

[Oncology Letters] The molecular mechanism underlying the role of FOXD3‑AS1 in cancer development has not yet been fully elucidated. Researchers focused on non‑small cell lung cancer in order to gain insight into how FOXD3‑AS1 drives cancer progression.

Procollagen-Lysine, 2-Oxoglutarate 5-Dioxygenase 1 Increases Cellular Proliferation and Colony Formation Capacity in Lung Cancer via Activation of E2F Transcription Factor 1

[Oncology Letters] High PLOD1 mRNA levels have been determined to be prognostically significant in numerous human malignancies. Researchers elucidated the pathological mechanism of procollagen‑lysine, 2‑oxoglutarate 5‑dioxygenase 1 in lung cancer.

Activated Human Umbilical Cord Blood Platelet-Rich Plasma Enhances the Beneficial Effects of Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Chemotherapy-Induced POF Rats

[Stem Cell International] Scientists determined whether human umbilical cord blood platelet-rich plasma (ucPRP) enhances the beneficial effects of HucMSCs in the treatment of POF.
