Tag results:

induced pluripotent stem cells

Multiple Alterations in Glutamatergic Transmission and Dopamine D2 Receptor Splicing in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neurons from Patients with Familial Schizophrenia

[Translational Psychiatry] Researchers generated iPSCs from patients with familial schizophrenia, differentiated these cells into neurons, and investigated the molecular and cellular phenotypes of the patient’s neurons.

Electrophysiological- and Neuropharmacological-Based Benchmarking of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived and Primary Rodent Neurons

[Stem Cell Reviews and Reports] Scientists differentiated human amniotic fluid-derived iPSCs into a mixed population of neurons. Functional assessments were performed by evaluating electrophysiological properties and the effect of a panel of neuropharmacological agents on spontaneous activity.

Human ALS/FTD Brain Organoid Slice Cultures Display Distinct Early Astrocyte and Targetable Neuronal Pathology

[Nature Neuroscience] Researchers reported the development of a cerebral organoid slice model derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells that recapitulated mature cortical architecture and displayed early molecular pathology of C9ORF72 ALS/FTD.

Plating Human iPSC Lines on Micropatterned Substrates Reveals Role for ITGB1 nsSNV in Endoderm Formation

[Stem Cell Reports] Researchers generated micropatterned colonies of iPSCs to test whether non-synonymous single nucleotide variants (nsSNVs) influenced patterning of radially ordered germ layers.

CALR Frameshift Mutations in MPN Patient-Derived iPSCs Accelerate Maturation of Megakaryocytes

[Stem Cell Reports] Scientists generated patient-derived CALRins5- or CALRdel52-positive iPSCs to establish a myeloproliferative neoplasms disease model for molecular and mechanistic studies.

Fumarylacetoacetate Hydrolase Gene as a Knockout Target for Hepatic Chimerism and Donor Liver Production

[Stem Cell Reports] The authors review proposed mutations in the recipient embryo to disable hepatogenesis, and discuss the advantages of using fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase knockouts and other genetic modifications to disable hepatogenesis.
