Tag results:

mammary cells

Immune and Nonimmune Mechanisms Mediate the Mental Stress-Induced Tumor Growth in a Xenograft Model of Breast Cancer

[Cell Death & Disease] Scientists applied unpredictable stress stimuli to breast tumor-bearing mice and established a xenograft model of breast cancer that suffered mental stress. This was followed by behavioral tests, tumor growth tracking, immune analysis, miRNA screening, and tumor cell proliferation analysis.

Breast Cancer Dormancy Is Associated with a 4NG1 State and Not Senescence

[npj Breast Cancer] Investigators thoroughly characterized the dormant D2.OR and ZR-75-1, and proliferative D2A1 breast cancer cell line models in vivo and in vitro, and assessed if there was overlap between a dormant and a senescent phenotype.

Investigation of the Supportive Therapy Potential of Propolis Extract and Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 Milk Combination against Breast Cancer in Mice

[Cytokine] The authors investigated supportive therapy potential of acidophilus milk and propolis extract in the mouse xenograft breast cancer model.

The Pro-Proliferative Effect of Interferon-γ in Breast Cancer Cell Lines Is Dependent on Stimulation of ASCT2-Mediated Glutamine Cellular Uptake

[Life Sciences] Scientists reported that IFN-γ and insulin possessed pro-proliferative effects in breast cancer and non-cancer cell lines, respectively, which were dependent on increased ASCT2-mediated glutamine transport.

Prolactin and Endocrine Therapy Resistance in Breast Cancer: The Next Potential Hope for Breast Cancer Treatment

[Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine] Scientists illustrated and summarized the correlations between endocrine therapy resistance in breast cancer and prolactin (PRL), as well as the pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical practices.

Cell Viability and Electrical Response of Breast Cancer Cell Treated in Aqueous Graphene Oxide Solution Deposition on Interdigitated Electrode

[Scientific Reports] Scientists investigated the cell viability and electrical response of graphene oxide (GO), in terms of resistivity and impedance towards the breast cancer cells and normal breast cells, by varying the pH and concentration of GO.
