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Tumor Organoids: Synergistic Applications, Current Challenges, and Future Prospects in Cancer Therapy

[Cancer Communications] Advances in 3D organoid culture technology have led to the development of novel physiological systems that model the tissues of origin more precisely than traditional culture methods.

Bacterial Cancer Therapy of Autochthonous Colorectal Cancer Impacts Tumor Growth and Metabolic Landscape

[JCI Insight] Researchers aimed to better understand the tumor epithelium-targeted mechanisms of bacterial cancer therapy by using autochthonous mouse models of intestinal cancer and tumor organoid cultures to assess the effectiveness and consequences of oral treatment with aromatase A-deficient STm.

Ontogeny and Function of the Circadian Clock in Intestinal Organoids

[EMBO Journal] Investigators showed that both pluripotent stem cell-derived human intestinal organoids engrafted into mice and patient-derived human intestinal enteroids possessed circadian rhythms and demonstrated circadian phase-dependent necrotic cell death responses to Clostridium difficile toxin B.

Three-Dimensional Organoid Culture Unveils Resistance to Clinical Therapies in Adult and Pediatric Glioblastoma

[Translational Oncology] Scientists created organoid microarrays and visualized bulk and spatial differences in cell proliferation using immunohistochemistry staining, and cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry paired with 3D regional labeling.

Cell-Type-Specific Impact of Glucocorticoid Receptor Activation on the Developing Brain: A Cerebral Organoid Study

[American Journal of Psychiatry] An in vitro model of fetal human brain development, induced human iPSC–derived cerebral organoids, were used to test whether cerebral organoids were suitable for studying the impact of prenatal glucocorticoid exposure on the developing brain.

Electron Cryo-Tomography Reveals the Subcellular Architecture of Growing Axons in Human Brain Organoids

[eLife] The authors presented a method that combined cryo-correlative light microscopy and electron tomography with human cerebral organoid technology to visualize growing axon tracts.
