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Claudin-2 Protects from Colitis-Associated Cancer by Promoting Colitis-Associated Mucosal Healing

[Journal Of Clinical Investigation] Investigators demonstrated a novel role of claudin-2 in promoting mucosal healing in inflammatory bowel disease patients and thus regulating vulnerability to colitis severity and colitis-associated cancer, which can be exploited for improved clinical management.

Assembly of Complete Mouse Embryo Models from Embryonic and Induced Stem Cell Types In Vitro

[Nature Protocols] Investigators described a protocol to assemble a complete mouse embryo model using mESCs and induced ESCs to express Cdx2 and Gata4 to reconstitute the epiblast, extraembryonic ectoderm and visceral endoderm lineages, respectively.

In Need of Age-Appropriate Cardiac Models: Impact of Cell Age on Extracellular Matrix Therapy Outcomes

[Aging Cell] Using aged iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes, the authors studied the effect of cell age on the young extracellular matrix therapy, an emerging approach for myocardial infarction treatment and prevention.

The Efficient Generation of Functional Human Hepatocytes from Chemically Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

[Cell Proliferation] Researchers developed a differentiation protocol by mimicking the two-stage development of hepatoblasts, which permited the efficient generation of hepatic progenitor cells from chemically induced iPSCs.

Transcriptomic Analysis of PADI4 Target Genes during Multi-Lineage Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells

[Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences] The authors examined the role of peptidylarginine deiminase IV (PADI4) in maintaining the multi-lineage differentiation potential of mouse ESCs.

Blastomeres of 8-Cell Mouse Embryos Differ in Their Ability to Generate Embryonic Stem Cells and Produce Lines with Different Transcriptional Signatures

[Frontiers In Cell And Developmental Biology] Investigators assessed the ability of 8-cell blastomeres to produce epiblast cells and ESC lines after isolation, and the properties of the resulting lines.
