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D-Galactose Induces the Senescence and Phenotype Switch of Corpus Cavernosum Smooth Muscle Cells

[Journal of Cellular Physiology] D-galactose was employed to accelerate cell senescence. As predominant functional cells involved in the erectile response, corpus cavernosum smooth muscle cells were isolated from 2-month-old rats.

lncRNA JPX-Enriched Chromatin Microenvironment Mediates Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Senescence and Promotes Atherosclerosis

[Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis And Vascular Biology] Scientists analyzed clinical data from multiple tissues including meniscus tissue, leukemia cells, and peripheral blood monocytes to identify age-related noncoding RNAs in senescent vascular smooth muscle cells.

Aging-Associated Decline in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Mechanosensation Is Mediated by Piezo1 Channel

[Aging Cell] Researchers showed defective vascular smooth muscle cell mechanosensation in aging measured with ultrasound tweezers-based micromechanical system, force instantaneous frequency spectrum, and transcriptome analyses.

Reconstruction of Dynamic Mammary Mini Gland In Vitro for Normal Physiology and Oncogenesis

[Nature Methods] Researchers described the development of a long-term adult stem cell-derived mammary mini gland culture system that supports robust three-dimensional outgrowths .

Human Intestinal Organoids From Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome Patients Reveal Link Between Serotonin and Proliferation

[Journal Of Clinical Investigation] To better understand the etiology of Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome, investigators generated human intestinal organoids from intestinal stem cells isolated from two patients.

IL-38 Regulates Intestinal Stem Cell Homeostasis by Inducing WNT Signaling and Beneficial IL-1β Secretion

[Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America] Cultures of intestinal organoids revealed that IL-38 functioned as a growth factor by increasing organoid size via inducing WNT3a. In contrast, organoids from IL-38-deficient mice developed more slowly.
