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Single-Cell Brain Organoid Screening Identifies Developmental Defects in Autism

[Nature] Researchers developed the CRISPR–human organoids–single-cell RNA sequencing system, which used verified pairs of guide RNAs, inducible CRISPR–Cas9-based genetic disruption, and single-cell transcriptomics for pooled loss-of-function screening in mosaic organoids.

3D-Cultured Blastoids Model Human Embryogenesis from Pre-Implantation to Early Gastrulation Stages

[Cell Stem Cell] Investigators reported that blastoids cultured on thick three-dimensional (3D) extracellular matrices captured hallmarks of early post-implantation development, including epiblast lumenogenesis, rapid expansion and diversification of trophoblast lineages, and robust invasion of extravillous trophoblast cells by day 14.

Human Blood Vessel Organoids Reveal a Critical Role for CTGF in Maintaining Microvascular Integrity

[Nature Communications] Scientists used human blood vessel organoids (BVOs) as a model of the microvasculature. BVOs fully recapitulated key features of the human microvasculature, including the reliance of mature endothelial cells on glycolytic metabolism.

Toxic Effects and Mechanisms of Nanoplastics on Embryonic Brain Development Using Brain Organoids Model

[Science of The Total Environment] Investigators focused on the toxic effects of nanoplastics on brain developmental processes by investigating their interactions with brain organoids.

Polarity Reversal of Canine Intestinal Organoids Reduces Proliferation and Increases Cell Death

[Cell Proliferation] Scientists showed that apical-out organoids had drastically reduced proliferative potential, as evidenced by immunohistochemical staining and the incorporation of the thymidine analog EdU.

Mimicking Acute Airway Tissue Damage Using Femtosecond Laser Nanosurgery in Airway Organoids

[Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology] For characterization of organoids’ response to single or multiple-cell ablation, researchers analyzed overall organoid survival and found that airway organoids were capable of efficiently repairing damage induced by femtosecond laser-based ablation of a single to ten cells within 24 h.
