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Cellular Senescence Contributes to Large Elastic Artery Stiffening and Endothelial Dysfunction with Aging: Amelioration with Senolytic Treatment

[Hypertension] Investigators studied young and old p16-3MR mice, which allowed for genetic-based clearance of senescent cells with ganciclovir, and also treated old C57BL/6 N mice with the senolytic ABT-263.

VEGF-B Prevents Excessive Angiogenesis by Inhibiting FGF2/FGFR1 Pathway

[Signal Transduction And Targeted Therapy] Using comprehensive in vitro and in vivo methods and models, the authors revealed here for the first time an unexpected function of VEGF-B as an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis by inhibiting the FGF2/FGFR1 pathway when the latter is abundantly expressed.

Endothelial AHR Activity Prevents Lung Barrier Disruption in Viral Infection

[Nature] Scientists showed that the environmental sensor aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) was highly active in lung endothelial cells, and protected against influenza-induced lung vascular leakage.

Metformin Accelerates Bone Fracture Healing by Promoting Type H Vessel Formation through Inhibition of YAP1/TAZ Expression

[Bone Research] Mechanistically, metformin increased the expression of HIF-1α, an important positive regulator of type H vessel formation, by inhibiting the expression of YAP1/TAZ in calluses and hypoxia-cultured human microvascular endothelial cells.

Endothelial FoxM1 Reactivates Aging-Impaired Endothelial Regeneration for Vascular Repair and Resolution of Inflammatory Lung Injury

[Science Translational Medicine] Transgenic FOXM1 expression or in vivo endothelium-targeted nanoparticle delivery of the FOXM1 gene driven by an endothelial cell–specific promoter reactivated endothelial regeneration, normalized vascular repair and resolution of inflammation, and promoted survival in aged mice after sepsis challenge.

Endothelial ERα Promotes Glucose Tolerance by Enhancing Endothelial Insulin Transport to Skeletal Muscle

[Nature Communications] Researchers showed that, independent of impact on events in adipose tissue, endothelial estrogen receptor α (ERα) promoted glucose tolerance by enhancing endothelial insulin transport to skeletal muscle.
