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Clinical Theranostics Trademark of Exosome in Glioblastoma Metastasis

[ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering] The authors explore the exosome–glioblastoma (GBM) interlink, the clinical impact of exosomes on GBM biomarkers, the therapeutics signature of exosomes in GBM, exosome-based research challenges, and future directions in GBM.

The Vascular Perspective on Acute and Chronic Lung Disease

[Journal Of Clinical Investigation] The authors describe the current knowledge regarding the role of the pulmonary vasculature in the development and progression of acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, and COPD. They also outline future research directions with the hope of facilitating the development of mechanism-based therapies.

Can Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells and Their Secretomes Combat Bacterial Persisters?

[World Journal Of Microbiology & Biotechnology] Investigators critically assess the current literature on the effects of MSCs and their secretomes on persister bacteria.

Adenovirus-Mediated Combined Cytotoxic and Immune-Stimulatory Gene Therapy Using Dual-Vector Ad-hCMV-TK and Ad-hCMV-Flt3L: Translational Explorations from Rodents to Glioma Patients

[Molecular Therapy] The authors provide a thorough overview of immune stimulatory gene therapy highlighting recent advancements, potential drawbacks, future directions, and recommendations for future implementation of clinical trials.

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Collection on Autoantibodies in the Rheumatic Diseases: New Insights into Pathogenesis and the Development of Novel Biomarkers

[Annals Of The Rheumatic Diseases] While autoantibodies have been investigated for over 50 years, recent studies have provided an exciting perspective on the mechanisms of autoantibody production and the power of new technologies to identify novel autoantibody targets to elucidate aetiology and underpin patient evaluation.

Immune Regulatory Networks Coordinated by Glycans and Glycan-Binding Proteins in Autoimmunity and Infection

[Cellular & Molecular Immunology] The authors review the spatiotemporal regulation of selected glycan-modifying processes including mannosylation, complex N-glycan branching, core 2 O-glycan elongation, LacNAc extension, as well as terminal sialylation and fucosylation.
