Modeling SHH-Driven Medulloblastoma with Patient iPS Cell-Derived Neural Stem Cells

Investigators describe a medulloblastoma model using induced pluripotent stem cell-derived human neuroepithelial stem cells generated from a Gorlin syndrome patient carrying a germline mutation in the sonic hedgehog receptor PTCH1.
[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America]
Susanto, E., Navarro, A. M., Zhou, L., Sundström, A., Bree, N. van, Stantic, M., Moslem, M., Tailor, J., Rietdijk, J., Zubillaga, V., Hübner, J.-M., Weishaupt, H., Wolfsberger, J., Alafuzoff, I., Nordgren, A., Magnaldo, T., Siesjö, P., Johnsen, J. I., Kool, M., … Wilhelm, M. (2020). Modeling SHH-driven medulloblastoma with patient iPS cell-derived neural stem cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Cite
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