NR4A1 Enhances MKP7 Expression to Diminish JNK Activation Induced by ROS or ER-Stress in Pancreatic β Cells for Surviving

To search other possible mechanisms, scientists found the mRNA level and protein level of MKP7 (a phosphatase for phospho-JNK) were dramatically reduced in pancreatic β cells in the islets from NR4A1 knockout mice compared with that from wild type mice.
[Cell Death & Disease]
Pu, Z., Yu, T., Liu, D., Jin, C., Sadiq, E., Qiao, X., Li, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Tian, M., Li, S., Zhao, R., & Wang, X. (2021). NR4A1 enhances MKP7 expression to diminish JNK activation induced by ROS or ER-stress in pancreatic β cells for surviving. Cell Death Discovery, 7(1), 1–13. Cite
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