Systematic Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection of an ACE2-Negative Human Airway Cell

In a screen for new models of SARS-CoV-2 infection, researchers identified human H522 lung adenocarcinoma cells as naturally permissive to SARS-CoV-2 infection despite complete absence of ACE2 expression.
[Cell Reports]
Puray-Chavez, M., LaPak, K. M., Schrank, T. P., Elliott, J. L., Bhatt, D. P., Agajanian, M. J., Jasuja, R., Lawson, D. Q., Davis, K., Rothlauf, P. W., Liu, Z., Jo, H., Lee, N., Tenneti, K., Eschbach, J. E., Mugisha, C. S., Cousins, E. M., Cloer, E. W., Vuong, H. R., … Kutluay, S. B. (2021). Systematic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 infection of an ACE2-negative human airway cell. Cell Reports, 0(0). Cite
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