Allogeneic Cord Blood Transfusions Prevent Fetal Haemoglobin Depletion in Preterm Neonates. Results of the CB-TrIP Study

Investigators monitored fetal haemoglobin levels in 25 preterm neonates until 36 weeks of post‐menstrual age; patients received repeated red blood cell (RBC) units from allogeneic cord blood (cord‐RBCs) or from adult donors, depending on whether cord‐RBCs were available.
[British Journal of Haematology]
Teofili, L., Papacci, P., Orlando, N., Bianchi, M., Molisso, A., Purcaro, V., … Stefano, V. D. (n.d.). Allogeneic cord blood transfusions prevent fetal haemoglobin depletion in preterm neonates. Results of the CB-TrIP study. British Journal of Haematology, n/a(n/a). Cite