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Significance of Abnormal 53BP1 Expression as a Novel Molecular Pathologic Parameter of Follicular-Shaped B-Cell Lymphoid Lesions in Human Digestive Tract

[Scientific Reports] Scientists evaluated the potential of immunofluorescence-based analysis of 53BP1 expression in differentiating malignant lymphomas from benign lymphoid lesions.

Waterpipe Smoke Condensate Influences Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition and Interferes with the Cytotoxic Immune Response in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Lines

[Oncology Reports] Scientists indicated that exposure of normal and cancer lung cell lines to waterpipe tobacco smoking condensate resulted in a decrease in their in vitro growth in a dose-dependent manner and it induced tumor senescence.

Bach2 Deficiency Promotes Intestinal Epithelial Regeneration by Accelerating DNA Repair in Intestinal Stem Cells

[Stem Cell Reports] Researchers found that Bach2 deficiency promotes intestinal epithelial cell proliferation during homeostasis. Moreover, genetic inactivation of Bach2 in mouse intestinal epithelium facilitated crypt regeneration after irradiation, resulting in a reduction in mortality.

Geomagnetic Shielding Enhances Radiation Resistance by Promoting DNA Repair Process in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells

[International Journal of Molecular Sciences] Immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells were exposed to X-rays under either a geomagnetic field or hypomagnetic field (HMF) culture condition. A significant increase of the cell survival rate in HMF after radiation was observed by colony formation analysis.

DNA Damage Response and Preleukemic Fusion Genes Induced by Ionizing Radiation in Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells

[Scientific Reports] Within CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells the authors identified CD34+CD38+ progenitor cells as a highly apoptosis-resistant population, while CD34+CD38− hematopoietic stem/multipotent progenitor cells as a population very sensitive to radiation-induced apoptosis.
