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RAF-Mutant Melanomas Differentially Depend on ERK2 over ERK1 to Support Aberrant MAPK Pathway Activation and Cell Proliferation

[Molecular Cancer Research] Investigators demonstrated that ERK2 drove BRAF-mutant melanoma gene expression and proliferation as a function of its higher expression compared to ERK1.

MAPK1/3 Kinase-Dependent ULK1 Degradation Attenuates Mitophagy and Promotes Breast Cancer Bone Metastasis

[Autophagy] Researchers showed that ULK1 deficiency induced an invasive phenotype of breast cancer cells under hypoxia and increases osteolytic bone metastasis.

Targeting Disseminated Estrogen-Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Cells in Bone Marrow

[Oncogene] Investigators utilized a 3D co-culture model incorporating estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cells and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to represent disseminated tumors cells in a bone marrow niche.

Regulation of ERK Basal and Pulsatile Activity Control Proliferation and Exit from the Stem Cell Compartment in Mammalian Epidermis

[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America] This study showed that exit from the stem cell compartment in mammalian epidermis was characterized by pulsatile ERK MAPK activity.
