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Methionine Affects the Expression of Pluripotency Genes and Protein Levels Associated with Methionine Metabolism in Adult, Fetal, and Cancer Stem Cells

[Journal of Cellular Biochemistry] Scientists revealed the differences in methionine metabolism of bone marrow (BM)-mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), umbilical cord blood-MSCs, and cancer stem cells, which reflect different metabolic profiles and developmental stages of stem cells.

The IVF-Generated Human Embryonic Microenvironment Reverses Progestin Resistance in Endometrial Cancer Cells by Inducing Cancer Stem Cell Differentiation

[Cancer Letters] Scientists found that progestin resistance of endometrial CSCs could be improved or reversed by using in vitro fertilization (IVF)-generated embryonic sac-derived fluid containing the embryonic microenvironment.

Prognostic Significance of NT5E/CD73 in Neuroblastoma and Its Function in CSC Stemness Maintenance

[Cell Biology and Toxicology] Researchers investigated its expression profile in neuroblastoma (NB), its association with NB clinical outcomes, and its influence in the regulation of cancer stem cells’ (CSCs) stemness maintenance.

Inability to Switch from ARID1A-BAF to ARID1B-BAF Impairs Exit from Pluripotency and Commitment towards Neural Crest Formation in ARID1B-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders

[Nature Communications] ARID1B-BAF regulated exit from pluripotency and lineage commitment by attenuating thousands of enhancers and genes of the NANOG and SOX2 networks. In iPSCs, these enhancers were maintained active by ARID1A-containing BAF.

The Treasury of Wharton’s Jelly

[Stem Cell Reviews and Reports] Scientists investigated very small embryonic-like cells (VSELs)-like cells in terms of their pluripotency phenotype and tri-lineage differentiation potential.

Reduction in O-Glycome Induces Differentially Glycosylated CD44 to Promote Stemness and Metastasis in Pancreatic Cancer

[Oncogene] Using several in vitro and in vivo models lacking C1GALT1 expression, investigators identified the role of aberrant O-glycosylation in stemness properties and aggressive pancreatic cancer metastasis.
