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Mechanism of TCONS_00147848 Regulating Apoptosis of Nasal Mucosa Cells and Alleviating Allergic Rhinitis through FOSL2-Mediated JAK/STAT3 Signaling Pathway

[Scientific Reports] Researchers explored the roles and related mechanisms of lncRNA-TCONS_00147848 in nasal mucosa cell apoptosis and allergic rhinitis (AR). AR mice were sensitized with ovalbumin, with the TCONS_00147848 interference lentiviral vector and FOSL2 overexpressing lentiviral vectors constructed respectively.

STAT3 Mediated Upregulation of C-MET Signaling Acts as a Compensatory Survival Mechanism upon EGFR Family Inhibition in Chemoresistant Breast Cancer Cells

[Cancer Letters] Investigators reported that the upregulated C-MET signaling acted as a compensatory mechanism that sustained the proliferation of chemoresistant cells in which EGFR family signaling was attenuated.

The Microbiota Coordinates Diurnal Rhythms in Innate Immunity with the Circadian Clock

[Cell] Rhythmic segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) attachment was driven by the circadian clock through control of feeding rhythms. Mechanistically, rhythmic SFB attachment activated an immunological circuit involving group 3 innate lymphoid cells.

Poly-L-Arginine Promotes Asthma Angiogenesis through Induction of FGFBP1 in Airway Epithelial Cells via Activation of the mTORC1-STAT3 Pathway

[Cell Death & Disease] Scientists demonstrated that fibroblast growth factor-binding protein 1 was dramatically upregulated in airway epithelial cell lines treated by poly-L-arginine, a mimic of major basic protein.

PIWI-Interacting RNA in Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms and Possible Clinical Implications (Review)

[Oncology Reports] The authors highlight the latest research progress made in the biological functions and regulation of PIWI‑interacting RNA in mammals, their involvement in various cancer forms and their potential clinical applications.

miR-526b-3p Inhibits Lung Cancer Cisplatin-Resistance and Metastasis by Inhibiting STAT3-Promoted PD-L1

[Cell Death & Disease] Researchers found that miR-526b-3p expression declined while programmed cell death protein ligand 1 (PD-L1) was elevated in cisplatin-resistant lung cancer compared to that in cisplatin-sensitive lung cancer by analyzing clinical samples.
