Tag results:

induced pluripotent stem cells

Human Stem Cell-Based Retina on Chip as New Translational Model for Validation of AAV Retinal Gene Therapy Vectors

[Stem Cell Reports] By employing their recently developed retina on chip that merged organoid and organ-on-chip technology, scientists analyzed the efficacy, kinetics, and cell tropism of seven first- and second-generation adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors.

Viscoelasticity and Adhesion Signaling in Biomaterials Control Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Morphogenesis in 3D Culture

[Advanced Materials] The authors used viscoelastic alginate hydrogels with independently tunable stress relaxation, stiffness, and arginine–glycine–aspartate ligand density to study human iPSC morphogenesis in 3D culture.

Engineered 3D Vessel-on-Chip Using hiPSC-Derived Endothelial- and Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

[Stem Cell Reports] The authors developed a robust multi-cell type 3D vessel-on-chip model based entirely on human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs). Within a fibrin hydrogel microenvironment, the hiPSC-derived vascular cells self-organized to form stable microvascular networks reproducibly, in which the vessels were lumenized and functional, responding as expected to vasoactive stimulation.

Simple Derivation of Skeletal Muscle from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Temperature-Sensitive Sendai Virus Vector

[Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine] Investigators established a simple method to convert human pluripotent stem cells into skeletal muscle cells by using temperature-sensitive Sendai virus vector encoding myoblast determination protein , a myogenic master transcription factor.

Deciphering Pathogenicity of Variants of Uncertain Significance with CRISPR-Edited iPSCs

[Trends in Genetics] Genetic variants play an important role in conferring risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Investigators summarize recent progress and new strategies in deciphering pathogenic variants for CVDs using CRISPR-edited human iPSCs.

Pharmacologic Therapy for Engraftment Arrhythmia Induced by Transplantation of Human Cardiomyocytes

[Stem Cell Reports] Investigators used a porcine model to provide proof-of-concept evidence that a combination of amiodarone and ivabradine could effectively suppress engraftment arrhythmia.
