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An Antisense Transcript Transcribed from Irs2 Locus Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Hepatic Steatosis in Insulin Resistance

[Cell Chemical Biology] Scientists revealed a functional duality of the Irs2 gene locus, where reciprocal changes of Irs2 and ASIrs2 in obesity caused insulin resistance and steatosis.

Therapeutic IGF-I Receptor Inhibition Alters Fibrocyte Immune Phenotype in Thyroid-Associated Ophthalmopathy

[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America] Investigators demonstrated that teprotumumab, an anti-insulin-like growth factor I receptor inhibitor, attenuated constitutive expression and induction by the thyroid-stimulating hormone of MHC II and these B7 members in CD34+ fibrocytes.

Exposure to Perfluorooctane Sulfonate Reduced Cell Viability and Insulin Release Capacity of β Cells

[Journal of Environmental Sciences] In a cell-based in vitro bioassay, scientists used mouse β-TC-6 cancer cells and found 48-hour exposure to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) decreased the cell viability at 50 μmol/L. By measuring insulin content in supernatant, 48-hour pretreatment of PFOS (100 μmol/L) decreased the insulin release capacity of β-TC-6 cells after glucose stimulation.

Beta Bionics Announces Data Lock of the Insulin-Only Bionic Pancreas Pivotal Trial and Enrollment into the Screening Protocol of the Bihormonal Bionic Pancreas Pivotal...

[Beta Bionics, Inc.] Beta Bionics, Inc., a clinical stage medical technology company announced the completion of the randomized controled trial for the Insulin-Only Bionic Pancreas Pivotal Trial and enrollment into the screening protocol of the Bihormonal Bionic Pancreas Pivotal Trial at Massachusetts General Hospital.

FGF1 and Insulin Control Lipolysis by Convergent Pathways

[Cell Metabolism] Researchers identified Ser44 as an fibroblast growth factor 1-induced regulatory phosphorylation site in phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) that was modulated by the feed-fast cycle

Meteorin-Like Facilitates Skeletal Muscle Repair through a Stat3/IGF-1 Mechanism

[Nature Metabolism] Researchers identified the myokine/cytokine Meteorin-like (Metrnl) as a critical regulator of muscle regeneration.
