Tag results:

neural cells

Neuronal Chemokine-Like-Factor 1 (CKLF1) Up-Regulation Promotes M1 Polarization of Microglia in Rat Brain after Stroke

[Acta Pharmacologica Sinica] Researchers showed that CKLF1 was significantly up-regulated in cultured rat cortical neurons subjected to oxygen-glucose deprivation/reoxygenation (ODG/R) injury, but not in cultured rat microglia, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.

A Neurovascular-Unit-on-a-Chip for the Evaluation of the Restorative Potential of Stem Cell Therapies for Ischaemic Stroke

[Nature Biomedical Engineering] Researchers used the model to track the infiltration of a number of candidate stem cells and to characterize the expression levels of genes associated with post-stroke pathologies.

CTCF Is a Barrier for 2C-Like Reprogramming

[Nature Communications] Researchers showed that the CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) was a barrier for 2C-like reprogramming. Depletion of CTCF in ESCs efficiently promoted spontaneous and asynchronous conversion to a 2C-like state and was reversible upon restoration of CTCF levels.

Molecular Characterization of AEBP1 at Transcriptional Level in Glioma

[Biomed Research International] Three datasets were used to perform the analysis to search for the key genes related to glioma stem cell, temozolomide resistance, and prognosis. The key gene for further research was selected by reviewing the previous studies.

Identification of Novel Drug Targets for Alzheimer’s Disease by Integrating Genetics and Proteomes from Brain and Blood

[Molecular Psychiatry] To efficiently transform genetic associations into drug targets for Alzheimer’s disease, researchers employed an integrative analytical pipeline using proteomes in the brain and blood by systematically applying proteome-wide association study, Mendelian randomization and Bayesian colocalization.

IFP35 Family Proteins Promote Neuroinflammation and Multiple Sclerosis

[Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America] In vitro studies demonstrated that IFP35 and NMI were released by multiple cells. IFP35 and NMI subsequently triggered nuclear factor kappa B–dependent activation of microglia via the TLR4 pathway.
