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Single-Cell Transcriptomics Captures Features of Human Midbrain Development and Dopamine Neuron Diversity in Brain Organoids

[Nature Communications] Investigators established a midbrain organoid culture system to study the developmental trajectory from pluripotent stem cells to mature dopamine neurons.

Towards Organoid Culture without Matrigel

[Communications Biology] The authors discuss promising Matrigel-free methods for the generation and maintenance of organoids that use decellularized ECM, synthetic hydrogels, or gel-forming recombinant proteins.

Fibrinogen Improves Liver Function via Promoting Cell Aggregation and Fibronectin Assembly in Hepatic Spheroids

[Biomaterials] Human primary hepatocyte organoids and HepaRG spheroids showed more mature hepatocyte phenotype after adding fibronectin and fibrinogen to the culture system.

Microenvironment Drives Cell State, Plasticity, and Drug Response in Pancreatic Cancer

[Cell] In vivo, scientists identified a new intermediate pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma transcriptional cell state and uncovered distinct site- and state-specific tumor microenvironments.

Identification of the Best Housekeeping Gene for RT-qPCR Analysis of Human Pancreatic Organoids

[PLoS One] Investigators attempted to better understand these structures by focusing on the choice of the best housekeeping gene to perform accurate molecular analysis on such a heterogeneous system.

Discovery of AL-GDa62 as a Potential Synthetic Lethal Lead for the Treatment of Gastric Cancer

[Journal of Medicinal Chemistry] AL-GDa62 preferentially induced apoptosis in CDH1–/– cells, and Cdh1–/– mammary and gastric organoids were significantly more sensitive to AL-GDa62 at low micromolar concentrations.
