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Blood Vessel Organoids Research from Penninger Lab to Play Central Role in 100 Years of Insulin UK-Canada Team Grant Research

[The University of British Columbia] LSI Director Dr. Josef Penninger and Drs. David Long, Luigi Gnudi, and Karen Price in the UK are recipients of a UK-Canada Diabetes Research Team Grant entitled “Bridging the gap to translation by understanding and preventing diabetic vascular complications using human organoid culture” as part of the 100 Years of Insulin initiative.

ELAVL4, Splicing, and Glutamatergic Dysfunction Precede Neuron Loss in MAPT Mutation Cerebral Organoids

[Cell] Scientists used human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cerebral organoids expressing tau-V337M and isogenic corrected controls to discover early alterations because of the mutation that precede neurodegeneration.

Developing Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Based Cerebral Organoids with a Controllable Microglia Ratio for Modeling Brain Development and Pathology

[Stem Cell Reports] Investigators reported a new brain region-specific, microglia-containing organoid model by co-culturing human PSC-derived primitive neural progenitor cells and primitive macrophage progenitors.

Development of a Quantitative Prediction Algorithm for Target Organ-Specific Similarity of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Organoids and Cells

[Nature Communications] Researchers evaluated the similarity of generate human PSC-derived organoids and cells to human organs using a constructed quantitative calculation system.

Use of Human Tissue Stem Cell-Derived Organoid Cultures to Model Enterohepatic Circulation

[American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology] Researchers demonstrated that mature stem cell-derived intestinal and liver organoid cultures each express functional molecules that modulate bile acid uptake and recycling.

Airway and Alveoli Organoids as Valuable Research Tools in COVID-19

[ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering] Human lung organoids can provide robust support to simulate SARS-CoV-2 infection and replication and aid in a better understanding of their effects in human tissue.
