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VPRBP Functions Downstream of the Androgen Receptor and OGT to Restrict p53 Activation in Prostate Cancer

[Molecular Cancer Research] Vpr binding protein (VPRBP) knockdown in prostate cancer cells led to a significant decrease in cell proliferation, p53 stabilization, nucleolar fragmentation and increased p53 recruitment to the chromatin.

Hypoxia-Induced circWSB1 Promotes Breast Cancer Progression through Destabilizing p53 by Interacting with USP10

[Molecular Cancer] The authors investigated the expression profile of circular RNAs in breast cancer MCF-7 cells under hypoxia and normoxia using microarray.

Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein K Promotes the Progression of Lung Cancer by Inhibiting the p53-Dependent Signaling Pathway

[Thoracic Cancer] Inhibition of progression of lung cancer cells induced by heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K-knockdown was dependent on activation of p53 by the p53/p21/cyclin D1 pathway.

Exosomal DEK Removes Chemoradiotherapy Resistance by Triggering Quiescence Exit of Breast Cancer Stem Cells

[Oncogene] Researchers identified and isolated chemoradiotherapy-resistant cancer stem cells in quiescent state with high capacity of tumor-initiation and tumorsphere formation from three types of breast tumors in mice.

DNA Methylation Maintenance at the p53 Locus Initiates Biliary-Mediated Liver Regeneration

[NPJ Regenerative Medicine] The authors showed that in response to extensive hepatocyte damages, expression of dnmt1 was upregulated in biliary epithelial cells (BECs) to methylate DNA at the p53 locus, which repressed p53 transcription, and in turn, derepressed mTORC1 signaling to activate BEC dedifferentiation.

The Marine Factor 3,5-Dihydroxy-4-Methoxybenzyl Alcohol Suppresses Growth, Migration and Invasion and Stimulates Death of Metastatic Human Prostate Cancer Cells: Targeting Diverse Signaling Processes

[Anti-Cancer Drugs] Scientists investigated whether the novel factor 3,5-dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl alcohol, suppressed the activity of metastatic human prostate cancer PC-3 or DU-145 cells.
